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Meera was sitting in the dressing room getting ready for the Interview with Pat

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Meera was sitting in the dressing room getting ready for the Interview with Pat.

"Hey darling" Pat say as he enters the room and places a kiss on my cheek

"Hey Babe" Meera smiles "Ready for the interview?"

"Always" He winks and smiles

Meera chuckles

*A staff member comes and tells them that they are ready to shoot*


M- Meera
P- Pat

M- Hello everyone,I'm Meera. So as you all known the cricket world 23 is just around the corner and today we are here with the captain of the Australian team Pat Cummins.

P- Hello Guys, I'm Pat Cummins

M- So, Pat how do you feel about the upcoming world cup.

P- Well, I'm really excited and The team has been training really hard and we will give our best on the field and bring the world cup home *He smiles*

M- *she smile* That's great to hear. So, Do you think that the captaincy in any way affects your performance.

P- Well, captaincy does add pressure but I always make sure that captaincy does not affect my performance.

M- Okay, Now let's have a little fun *She says and wink at the camera*

P- I'm excited *He smiles*

M- So Now, We are going to know our captain a little better. So Pat, Ready for the questions?

P- Always *winks*

M- First question, When was your odi debut and with which team

P- ummm, it's was with south africa on 19th October 2011

M- What is you're shirt number?

P- 30

M- Favorite colour?

P- Black

M- What's on you're bucket list?

P- Where ever you want to go next *He smiles*

M- *blushes* okay, Now we are going to do this or that

P- *Nods*

M- Mountains or beaches

P- Beaches

M- Coffee or Tea

P- Coffee, for sure

M- books or movies

P- Movies

M- Ok,that was it *smiles*

P- that was fun *smiles*

M- So,Pat you have anything to say to your fans about the upcoming world cup?

P- To all our amazing fans out there,your support means the whole world for us. I promise you guys we will give our best.

"Cut" The producer yells


@Meerakohli posted

Liked by patcummins30, gmaxi_30,vini

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Liked by patcummins30, gmaxi_30,
vini.raman, davidwarner31, candywarner1, Matthewwade13, juliabwade and 61899 others

Meerakohli Amazing Interview with @patcummins30. Will be released soon....

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patcummins30: Had a lot of fun with you being the interviewer 😉
▪︎ Meerakohli: 🤭

candywarner1: You look pretty, darling
▪︎ Meerakohli: Aww,Thank you

vini.raman: My girl 🫶🏻
▪︎ Meerakohli: Love you ❤️

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