26 - I Wanna Be Yours [M]

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<Choi Palace>

The dinner went by with everyone pretending like nothing was wrong. They were simply respecting Seungcheol's decision to reveal everything to Jeonghan as per his own will.

"Let's go." Seungcheol held Jeonghan's hand.

Jeonghan found Seungcheol being a bit extra clingy since noon but neverthless, he was enjoying it with his whole heart.

Seungcheol and Jeonghan were walking through the hallways, going back to their room. It was when Jeonghan felt something itching his neck and collarbones but he couldn't figure out what.

"Seungcheol." Jeonghan nudged him, "Is something here? It's itching." Jeonghan shifted his shirt's collars a bit, revealing his collarbones and shoulder blades slightly.

Seungcheol looked closely, "Nothin-" He halted as he tilted his neck. He couldn't take his eyes off the younger's well defined features. Just how soulful it would feel to nibble on that smooth skin and sharp shoulders.

Seungcheol shook his head. Was he that weak for the younger? A little, really little and unintentional show was enough to ignite an unknown fire inside him?

Jeonghan chuckled as he understood the affect he had on the older. He held Seungcheol's arm to pull him closer while innocently revealing his skin, "Look closely? It's burning."

Seungcheol stared at him with a small knowing smile, he clearly understood what the younger was doing. Seungcheol slowly and sensually snaked his arm around the younger's waist to pull him closer, "That burning sensation needs some treatment, I guess?"

"It does." Jeonghan whispered as he looked at Seungcheol's lips then back into his eyes, "It really does."

Seungcheol leaned in towards the younger's ear, "You know we're going to be in a locked room, right? I don't think you're willing to invite trouble tonight."

"I don't invite trouble for me, I'm the trouble myself." Jeonghan retorted, "Because who thought that Emperor Choi Seungcheol can slip for nothing."

"Nothing you say?" Seungcheol tucked Jeonghan's hair behind his earlobe, "That little show you put just now was much more than nothing. Let alone that show, even the thoughts about you are enough to make me slip."

It was when they realised that they were in the hallway where the guards must come around while doing their patrolling duty. They parted away with small grins on their faces as they made their way into the room.

Jeonghan stood in the middle of the room with a racing heart as Seungcheol closed the door shut. He turned around as he chuckled. He slowly walked towards the younger only to grab his waist and pull him towards himself.

Jeonghan's hands landed on his chest as both of them stared at each other.

Seungcheol tightened his grip around the younger's waist as Jeonghan clutched on his biceps, "What's going on Mr. Choi?"

"A lot." Seungcheol gazed every inch of the younger as if he was ready to be devoured, "I'm letting myself trapped in your seductive charms. Every passing second, I'm losing my sanity to your tempting scent. If you're going to be this gorgeous, then me being in control would be a sin."

"And I'm loving the sight of you melting for me." Jeonghan whispered.

"Be cautious with your words Jeonghan, you might regret waking up a beast later on." Seungcheol pressed their bodies together.

"Regret?" Jeonghan chuckled, "I would rather control the leash of that beast."

[🔴Mature Warning, You may skip if you're uncomfortable🔴]

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