chapter one: back in paradis

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back in paradis

"For the last time, life is perfect over here

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"For the last time, life is perfect over here. I'm practically living the dream. Hm.. okay.. yeah. Thanks for the concern, mom. It feels genuine and definitely not out of guilt." You cut her off before ending the phone call with your monotone and sarcastic response.

Your mother calls every month, early in the morning before she checks in to her work. You thought she had the audacity to ask of your well being after she thought of moving you back here in Paradis to live with your incompetent father when she's the one who took you away from him in the first place.

Two years ago, you and your father begrudgingly agreed to move and live with your mother and little brother at Marley after he's come to realize that he's not yet sane enough to raise you by himself while trying to earn for a living. All thanks to your mother who convinced him with those lying lies just to make you live with her.

But after two whole years, your mother realized she didn't want you at all and then threw you out of the house. You wondered why she decided to let you stay with your father in the middle of your freshman year just when you were about to adjust to the life she's forced you to live into.

Sighing heavily through your nostrils, you hid the phone back to your pocket with an irritated face as you walked inside the quiet classroom and sit on your chair which is at the center of the third row.

No one was here yet just as you expected to. It was too early almost for all students which you always took as an opportunity to advance study. Taking out your History textbook as it is the first subject this morning before putting in your earbuds.

Last month, you enrolled here in Wall Rose Highschool. It was merely out empathy because of your situation that the school still accepted a transferee student in the middle of third grading period.

Your mother could have waited until your freshman year ended but no, she decided to kick you out as soon as possible for no reason.

Soon enough, a few students entered classroom much to your dismay. You hoped for more tranquility all by yourself in this very room. When more students have started to enter one by one, you volumed your music higher until all you can hear is the song.

Feeling the irritation and annoyance crawling inside as one thought it was a good idea to push their other classmate towards your table.

"Ah... hey, Y/N. 'Sup." Floch, who you recognized with that ridiculous hairstyle, gave you an snarky smile that looks oddly fake. Furrowing your eyebrows, you only shoot your eyes at him without moving your head. Not even an apology?

𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐎𝐎 𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐋 彡 𝒂𝒓𝒎𝒊𝒏 𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒕Where stories live. Discover now