Triumph and Turmoil

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As I was speeding down the road, the adrenaline pumping through my veins, suddenly, my phone pierced the silence with its shrill ringtone. Swiftly, I connected it to my car's Bluetooth.

"Hello!" I answered, my voice dripping with false sweetness.

"Atharv has met with an accident," one of my so-called friends uttered on the other end.

I didn't bother to respond, simply ending the call with a disdainful flick of my finger.

But inside, oh, inside I was reveling in triumph.

"Ha! Victory is mine!" I exclaimed with a grin befitting a villainess, relishing the taste of his misfortune.

"If he is not mine," I whispered, the words laced with malice, "then I will make sure that he is nobody's."

With a maniacal laugh that sent shivers down my spine, I mercilessly overtook another vehicle, leaving a trail of envy and bitterness in my wake.

As I continued to speed down the road, my mind buzzing with exhilaration, I couldn't shake off the image of Atharv's face contorted in pain. But instead of feeling remorse, a rush of satisfaction surged through me at the mere thought of his suffering.

Glancing at my reflection in the rearview mirror, I saw the gleam of triumph in my eyes, a stark contrast to the chaos I had left behind. The world was mine for the taking, and I was determined to seize every opportunity to cement my dominance.

With each passing mile, my resolve grew stronger, fueled by the intoxicating blend of power and vengeance. Atharv's downfall was just the beginning—I would ensure that no one dared to challenge me again.

As I pulled into the driveway of my lavish mansion, a sense of accomplishment washed over me. The grandeur of my home served as a constant reminder of my status and influence in society.

Exiting the car with a graceful stride, I made my way through the ornate double doors, the echoes of my heels resonating through the marble foyer. With every step, I felt a surge of confidence, knowing that I was unstoppable.

But then, amidst the silent chaos...

"Where were you, Paridhi?!" My mom's voice sliced through the air, pulling me back to reality.

"In the college, mom. We had a fest, remember?" I replied, offering an explanation.

"It's midnight, Paridhi, and you're just getting home!" Her voice rose in frustration.

"Nevermind, Paridhi. Just don't make it a habit," Dad intervened, my savior as always.

"Yes, Dad," I said, relieved, and headed to my room.

"Paridhi," Dad called, and I froze, fearing he knew about Atharv.

Yes, Dad?" I turned towards him cautiously.

"Tomorrow, we have a party to attend. The Singhania's will be there. Try to compose yourself," he advised, a reminder of our rivalry.

I nodded, retreating to my room.

Once inside, I turned on the shower, letting the water wash away the day's chaos. As it cascaded over me, I closed my eyes, seeking solace in its embrace.

Exiting the shower, I let my bathrobe fall to the floor and collapsed onto the bed, naked and vulnerable. The weight of the day pressed upon me, Atharv's face haunting my thoughts.

I closed my eyes, willing sleep to grant me reprieve, yet his image lingered, a reminder of love turned to ash.


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