hello neighbour!!

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As I reached for the doorknob, I was stunned to see my neighbor standing there with Paridhi. The sight of her immediately brought a wave of irritation. Our families had been rivals for years, and the animosity ran deep.

"Good morning, Uncle," I greeted him warmly, my voice deliberately cheerful. I didn't bother to acknowledge Paridhi, and she seemed equally uninterested in acknowledging me.

"Good morning, beta. Meet your new neighbor," Uncle said, gesturing towards Paridhi with a forced smile.

"Hi, Panaoti— I mean, Paridhi," I said with a smirk, enjoying the brief moment of confusion on her face.

Her eyes narrowed as she stepped closer, her anger simmering just below the surface. "What did you just call me?" she demanded, her voice tight with irritation.

"I said hi, Paridhi," I replied, feigning innocence.

"No, what did you say before that?" Paridhi asked, her face now flushed with anger.

"Nothing," I said nonchalantly, then promptly closed the door in her face, unable to suppress a small, triumphant grin.I knew this was only the beginning of our renewed rivalry.

A few minutes later, there was a loud, insistent knock at the door. Sighing, I opened it, knowing exactly who it would be. Paridhi stood there, her eyes blazing with frustration.

"You think you're so funny, don't you?" she snapped, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Actually, I do," I replied, leaning against the doorframe. "What do you want, Paridhi?"

She took a deep breath, clearly trying to compose herself. "Look, we have to live next to each other now. Can we at least try to be civil?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Civil? You mean like you barging in here and demanding explanations?"

She glared at me. "You're impossible."

"Maybe," I said, shrugging. "But you're the one who came back. So, what now?"

Paridhi seemed to deflate a little, her shoulders dropping. "Fine. Let's just start over. Hi, I'm Paridhi. Nice to meet you."

I studied her for a moment, then sighed. "Alright. Hi, I'm Vikram. Nice to meet you too." I extended my hand reluctantly.

She hesitated for a second before shaking it, a reluctant smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "There, that wasn't so hard, was it?"

I smirked. "Not as hard as your head, that's for sure."

Paridhi rolled her eyes and turned away, heading back to her apartment. As I watched her walk down the hallway, I couldn't help but feel a strange mix of amusement and curiosity. I was puzzled by her calm departure—typically, Paridhi never let an opportunity for a retort slip by.

That's why her silence was unsettling. She's up to something, I thought, a shiver running down my spine. Knowing her, she's already plotting her revenge. I could bet she's going to try something mischievous, and I'd better be prepared. Living next to her is going to be anything but adventurous.

I entered my room and collapsed onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling. The day had been a rollercoaster of emotions, and the unexpected truce with Paridhi was the icing on the cake. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her gesture than met the eye.

As I lay there, I tried to convince myself that maybe, just maybe, she was genuinely tired of the rivalry. But the nagging voice in the back of my mind wouldn't let me rest. Knowing Paridhi, she was probably up to something. Her silence when she left had been out of character, and it left me feeling uneasy.

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