Part numero uno

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Eddie looked at the arpartment where his best friend and crush of 3 years waited. He saw him in the window and he waved at him and his heart started beating too fast, having a casual heart attack as Kurt watched him from the window. Once he got over his silly little quick heart attack he opened the door

"Hey silly get in!" He said, completely ignoring the heart attack that just took place on his apartment's front lawn, and the hen butler gulped and pulled his luggage into the house using it's beck to drag the heavy bags inside.

Kurt hugged him, basically having Eddie creaming his jeans at the touch (if he had a pp) but Kurt had to ruin the mood by bringing up his dead girlfriend or whatever Jessie Addams was to him.

"I've been so lonely since Jessie went missing in afganistan." He said, almost flinching as he thought of her

"That's so brace of her. She loved you.' Eddie tried to sound reassuring but the use of a comma instead of a quotation mark at the end of his sentence kinda gave away he wasn't being entirely sincere, not that Kurt noticed, he's autistic or something.

Kurt stared at him for a sixty seconds.

"Yeah... Let's get you settled in!" He said, mood changing almost at an alarming rate. And then the hen butler helped him to his room.

"It's a one bedroom place so you'll have to share a room with me, let's hope we don't accidentally catch feelings or something like we're in a parody of a fanfic about two commentary YouTubers falling in love." He smiled at him- wait holy shit, you can't be meta in 2024 Kurt! No one's going to keep reading this if you keep being self aware!

"It'll be like a sleepover!" Eddie said, completely ignoring everything else Kurt said, he does has screws loose as Eddie knows.

"Totally!" Then there was a knock at the door and Eddie followed Kurt to the door where they found a girl with long brown hair waving with her big purple eyes at them.

"Hi?" Said Kurt, the strange eyeball waving girl probably being the most normal thing here so far.

"Hi" she said flipping her hair back which was apparently hiding her 'badass studded belt" that she definitely got at hot topic that was around her black jeans and black top that had a sleeve to her third middle arm and skull earrings and black makeup.

"I'm your neighbor Jackie!" She said happily, completely unaware of the horrors shes about to witness in this god forsaken fan fiction.

They both shook her hands at the same time.

"If you need anything come on over!" She said and then left, she probably should stay gone if she has any common sense, the fic is going to be the nichest nightmare you've ever seen.

"She was nice." Said Eddie.

"And pretty cute." Said Kurt

And Eddie felt a pain in his heart as his heart attack from earlier made a special guest appearance. Was Kurt totally straight? He always wondered if he was bi because of how he flirted with him sometimes on skype.. and y'know how he likes men but mostly the Skype thing.

He didn't know if he would tell him he is gay and is in love with him, as if it wasn't painfully obvious, but Kurt thankfully doesn't notice for whatever reason. Then Kurt gave him a sweet smile and he felt warm again finally, after millions of years old being nineteen Eddie finally knows of warmth after being in the icey depths of Hell.

"Writer's" note:

I kept in Jackie at the request of my friend, I think she's too ingrained in the original text to forget about her, I don't expect anyone to read this shit, but I love it dearly.

Cabin Of Tin (Kurt Kunkle x Eddie Munson)Where stories live. Discover now