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I don't know why the hell my mom does this, she invites like everyone in the Neighborhood to our house for a cook out. She's done this three times, the three times we moved to be exact. I hate it. I'm not good with people, I never was as a child. I'm shy and I have social anxiety. It's awful.

"Can you get the bowl from the kitchen cabinet?" My mom asked. She's rushing, the cook out isn't even starting yet. We have another hour.

"Yeah, why are you rushing? You know we have an hour to get everything done right?" I asked her in an annoyed tone. "Because I want everything ready. Oh by the way there's a boy your age that lives across the street. His mom and him are both coming over. Maybe you can make some friends."

"Mom you know I can't do that." I told her. "Honey come on. You have to stop having these fears, like the ocean and people." My mom replied.

"You don't get it. I'm not afraid of people. I just can't talk to people." I mumbled.

After setting everything up, my mom was cooking the hamburgers and hot dogs outside. People were already coming over. I was getting anxious by the second.

"There's too many people mom." I whispered. "Aubrey, it's okay. Just breathe. Go in your room and relax. Later, come out and have fun. Talk to the guy that I was telling you about." My mom said. "Fine. I don't even know who he is mom." I whispered/yelled. She was looking around until she spotted them. She grabbed my arm and dragged me with her.

"Hey! So glad that you guys could make it, this is my daughter Aubrey." My mom said to the guy and his mother. Not gonna lie. He was really cute. But I would have no chance with him. "It was a pleasure, this is my son Luke. You have a lovely house-" my mom and Luke's mom kept taking and talking. I kept making small glances at this Luke guy. He has bright blue eyes, and messy blonde hair. Wait a minute. I think he was the guy that was looking at me through his window.

"Why don't you show Luke around." My mom said to both me and Luke. "Erm, sure. I guess. Follow me." I said quietly. "This is the living room, the kitchen-" While I was showing him the rest of the house, he kept looking at me and he would smile once in awhile. After, I showed him my room, the two guest rooms and my moms room.

"You have a really nice house." Luke said. His voice was beautiful. "T-thanks. Um. Do you want anything? Like food or something to drink?" I stuttered. "No thank you. But um. Can we go somewhere else? There's too many people.." he asked shyly. "Yeah sure. I was just about to ask you that. I'm not really good with a lot of people." I replied. "Me either" He giggled. Did he just giggle? That is the cutest thing. I need to stop. I just met this guy. I don't even know his last name for fucks sake.

We went upstairs to my room, he sat on the uncomfortable wood floor. "You know, you really don't have to sit on the ground. it's really not comfortable." I laughed silently. "Yeah it is pretty painful." He chuckled. He sat on my bed and we talked for what felt like hours getting to know each other. We like the same bands, Green Day, All Time Low, Twenty-One Pilots. He thought One Direction was okay but, he didn't listen to them often. Luke also plays guitar and sings a little. "You should sing for me one day" I said with a smile. "I don't know I'm not that great." He was blushing and trying to hide it. It was obvious. "Come on, please. For me" I asked. "As long as you don't make fun of me, then yes. Maybe one day." He replied. "Awesome, I can't wait" I said excitedly.

We talked and talked until him and his mom had to go. It was now one in the morning. I couldn't sleep because of the storm that was passing by.

*Ding Ding*

I got a text from Luke,

Blue eyes-

Yo? Who says yo?

Blue eyes-
Everyone. Duhh

Whatever you say. What are you doing up so late?

Blue eyes-
Can't sleep. stupid ass storm is keeping me up. Wbu?

Stupid ass storm

Blue eyes-
Can I come over?

It's like one in the morning, and it's there's a storm. I don't want you to get sick

Blue eyes-
Idc if I get sick, Aubrey. I just want to see you :-)

You saw me earlier today. I don't want you to get sick. Why'd you put a nose in the smiley face? That's weird lol :)

Blue eyes-
I want to see you now thoooo. And bc I can loser

Don't call me a loser, loser.

Minutes went by and "Blue eyes" didn't reply. I heard something hit my window. I grabbed my bat and made my way by the window.

"Luke what the fuck are you doing? Get inside idiot!" I whispered/yelled. "I told you I wanted to see you." He said showing his dimples. While he was trying to climb through the window he fell. I couldn't stop laughing, I told him to be quiet because my moms sleeping. "Well, sorry I fell" He said in a sarcastic tone while chuckling silently. "You're an idiot Luke" I laughed. "Am not." He pouted. "Come on Luke stop. Lets watch a movie" I said trying not to laugh at his cuteness. Aubrey stop. You don't like him. You can't like him.

We argued quietly on which movie to watch. Took like ten minutes to pick a fucking movie because of him. We both agreed on The Maze Runner. I started falling asleep right when the movie started. I was just so comfy with Luke being there.

Yoooo sorry this chapter took to long. I've been busy with some stuff at home. Enjoy :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2015 ⏰

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