15. The Wolf of Sathorn Square

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As Diana frantically searched for Karin amidst the chaos of the tournament, her heart pounded with fear and desperation. She darted through the crowded corridors of the arena, her eyes scanning the faces of medics and officials for any sign of her friend.

"Excuse me," she called out to a passing medic, her voice tight with anxiety. "Do you know where they've taken Karin? Is she okay?"

The medic shook his head, his expression grim. "I'm sorry, I don't have that information," he replied. "It's been a hectic night, and things have been moving quickly."

Diana's heart sank. She had hoped someone would have answers, that she could find Karin and make sure she was getting the care she needed. But now, it seemed she was no closer to finding her friend than before.

She continued to search, growing more frantic with each passing moment. She asked everyone she encountered if they had seen Karin or knew where she had been taken, but no one could provide any information.

Finally, in a last desperate attempt, Diana approached one of the tournament organizers, her voice trembling with emotion.

"Please," she pleaded. "I need to find Karin. Do you know where she is? Is she okay?"

The organizer looked at her sympathetically. "I'm sorry," he said softly. "We're doing everything we can to locate her, but right now, we just don't have any information. As soon as we know anything, we'll let you know."

Diana nodded, her heart heavy with worry. She knew she couldn't give up and had to keep searching until she found Karin and made sure she was safe. But as she continued to scour the arena, her mind raced with thoughts of what could have happened to her friend.

Hours passed, the tournament winding down as the final matches of the night ended. But still, there was no sign of Karin, no word on her condition or whereabouts.

As the arena began to empty and the lights dimmed, Diana felt a sense of defeat wash over her. She had searched every corner of the arena, asked everyone she could find, but still, she had no answers.

Even as despair settled over her, Diana refused to give up hope. She knew she couldn't rest until she found Karin and made sure she was safe.

With determination, Diana resolved to continue her search, no matter how long it took or how difficult it might be. Karin was not just a friend but a fellow fighter, and Diana would do whatever it took to ensure her safety.

As night settled over Bangkok, casting the city in darkness, Diana refused to give up her search for Karin. With each passing moment, her worry deepened, driving her to continue her quest with relentless determination.

She went from hospital to hospital, her heart sinking with each disappointment as she failed to find any sign of her friend. The streets were quiet and deserted, the only sound, the soft hum of the city as it settled into slumber.

Even as Diana's hope began to wane, she refused to give in to despair. She knew she had to keep searching, that she couldn't rest until she found Karin and ensured her safety.

Then, as if by some stroke of luck, Diana's digital watch beeped softly, drawing her attention to a new message. With a flick of her wrist, she activated the device, her eyes scanning the screen as she read the information it displayed.

To her surprise, the watch had pinpointed the location of Qasim Ali's mansion, a sprawling, modern structure in the heart of the bustling Sathorn district. It was a lead Diana couldn't afford to ignore.

With urgency driving her forward, Diana hailed a passing taxi and gave the driver the address of Qasim Ali's mansion. As the taxi sped through the streets of Bangkok, Diana's mind raced with thoughts of what she might find there.

Was Karin being held captive by Qasim Ali? Or was there another reason for her disappearance? Diana couldn't be sure, but she knew she had to find out.

As the taxi pulled up to the gates of the mansion, Diana's heart pounded. She paid the driver and stepped out onto the pavement, her senses on high alert as she surveyed her surroundings.

The mansion loomed before her, its sleek design standing in stark contrast to the chaos in Diana's mind. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for whatever lay ahead, and approached the gates with determination.

But before she could make her move, a voice called out from behind her, startling her.

"Diana," the voice said, smooth and confident. "What are you doing here?"

Diana turned to see Wayne Schrader standing behind her, his expression unreadable as he regarded her with curiosity and suspicion.

"I could ask you the same thing," Diana replied, her voice tinged with suspicion. "What are you doing here, Wayne? And what do you know about Karin's disappearance?"

Wayne's expression darkened at the mention of Karin, his eyes narrowing as he looked at Diana.

"I don't know anything about Karin," he said, his voice low and controlled. "But you shouldn't be here. This is dangerous territory, Diana, and you're playing with fire."

Diana bristled at his words, her resolve hardening.

"I don't care about the danger," she said fiercely. "All I care about is finding Karin and making sure she's safe. If you won't help me, I'll do it on my own."

With that, Diana turned and marched toward the gates of the mansion, her heart pounding as she prepared to confront whatever lay ahead. She didn't know what she would find inside, but she was prepared to face any challenges in her quest to find her friend.

As she pushed open the gates and stepped into the darkness beyond, Diana knew she was entering a dangerous game with high stakes. But she was determined to find the truth and ensure Karin's safety.

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