7: Farewell, Japan

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[Leaving the country, picture taken with Gaku and Sachio. Kaeda was not present.]

My last week was surreal

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My last week was surreal. Every day was considered the last time I was in Japan. I had no desire to return to work; the only reason why I did go to work was because, at least there, I could be within close proximity to Kaeda. Our relationship was about to become long-distance, and I was dreading that notion.

It was my last "Friday," also my last workday. Sunday-Thursday had put me through the worst days of my life in terms of almost everything. The only way it could have been worse is if my performance dropped to what it was in my first year of staying. However, it wouldn't have mattered at that rate since I wasn't planning on ever working there again. Now that Sachio and Gaku were in their positions for the long term, I focused more on Kaeda, who didn't seem eager to linger long after my departure home.

This was the first time I experienced genuine depression, I think. I was about to drop my regular life to return to my home country. I had been running an otherwise mundane lifestyle during my stay. I could recall more quiet moments than any other: the nights spent in silence, the times in bed when it was raining without torment, the showers at midnight, the isolated train rides, and solo smoke on the patio.

All that was about to disappear, and I couldn't fathom how I would adjust to being away from Kaeda. I wasn't just losing someone who I adored being with, but I was also the only other person who knew these things were happening to me. My parents vaguely knew, but I never expressed how serious matters had become. How do you tell someone sober about demons and specters flying above you at night? Nightmares so vivid your skin burns when you wake? Apparitions so real you believe that they are there?

I told Kaeda all of the things while we both were into a slightly drunken stooper, but the seriousness of our conversations was always sobering. I remember specifically the rosy tint of her cheeks dulling as she looked and listened to me. Her eyes were also black in the karaoke room, but unlike the monsters I was accustomed to, they were lively with concern— an admiration I felt I didn't deserve at the time. I appreciated the kind expression, though, especially when I started to crack with tears.

My last Friday night was spent chatting with Kaeda at her place. We fell asleep with loose ties, rolled-up sleeves, and mismanaged pillow space on her couch, which we shared.

The morning that followed, I found myself well-rested and acutely aware of Kaeda's weight on top of me as we lay on her terrible couch. I also remember hearing the rain outside and how much of a preferred morning this one was compared to the many other horrible ones I'd gone through that week. Reluctantly, I checked the reflection on the black screen of her TV.

I saw nothing.

I stared at the ceiling and listened to the room.

I heard nothing.

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