The End.

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I know there are gaps here, but if I had gone into every interaction I had in Japan after receiving my gift, I couldn't imagine how long this project would have lasted. However, you must be wondering, is this how it ended? Is it in the Custer Forest all the way in Japan?

The short answer is "yes," but the longer answer tells you that my experiences of the supernatural never truly ended. My house isn't haunted, and my dreams aren't continuously tormented by visions. I am sane in all departments and physically fit. It was easy to use my shambled life as an excuse to recline into a lazy lifestyle that would have undoubtedly stifled my career. Instead, I was reinvigorated to press forward with found energy, quite literally, since I had finally found my ability to sleep!

For months, I started my morning with a "thank you" to God and a two-minute prayer as I brushed my teeth. I remained spiritually aware of myself, maintaining a focus on my new desire to rejoin Kaeda. Without the daily horrors that inflicted themselves upon me, I found it much easier to focus on the task at hand.

I would marry her a few years down the road.

I would take Gaku to Yellowstone and eventually see him marry Sachio.

I would have episodes of remembering these horrors I had in life. I sometimes worry that one day these terrible things will happen again, but it hasn't for over a decade now...

Despite finding myself more prone to either hear or see things out of the ordinary, I am no longer fearful of what might happen. I know I'm not alone...And after all, what could be worse than what I have experienced?

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