Chapter 4: Apartment Tour

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The next morning, you're already up when you hear something placed outside your door and then quiet footsteps shuffling away. You wait for a minute or two before finally pulling yourself off your futon to see the several sets of uniform that you'll be wearing, folded up neatly on the floor.

Glancing at the lack of light coming in through the distant windows you deduce that it isn't quite dawn yet, so you have some time before Uraume arrives. You take the outfits back into your room to hang them up, so they won't get wrinkled.

Next, you decide to get changed out of your previous day's clothes, which are still covered in ash, dust, and blood. The uniform provided to you is a muted, washed-out cherry with white underneath.

You get yourself changed, though it's an arduous task. Not because it's hard, just because you don't want to. Especially with the lack of sleep, you figured today was going to end up being a little rough.

Just as you're finishing fixing up your hair you hear quiet knocking on your door, before it slides open to reveal Uraume.

"Good, you're ready." Uraume nods in approval, before stepping to the side. "Come, we must get started."

You nod and follow them out, opting to leave your knife in your room just in case. You don't know what exactly you'll be doing today, so you don't want to risk getting caught with it.

"Now, first and foremost: there are rules that everyone must follow, at least if you wish to survive. Keep your eyes on the floor, don't look or talk to His Majesty, bow while in his presence, and stay out of his way. If he ever does wish for you to respond, then you are to refer to him as 'my Lord', 'my King', or 'your Majesty'. As you should be well aware of, he has an incredibly short temper," Uraume begins explaining, not wasting any time. You hum occasionally to let them know you're listening, but otherwise you're looking around at the environment as you walk towards the south wing. In the gentle glow of the sunrise, it looks a lot less intimidating from the inside.

"For your duties specifically, he typically likes to do his work at the Shrine in the evening and during the day, but is otherwise in his room. You are to clean it while he isn't there, and bring him his meals when he asks for them. He typically eats once or twice every few days, unless he tells you otherwise. Other than that, you are to fulfill his every order and wish. Do you understand?" Uraume stops and turns back to you with the question.

"I understand. Any other duties I'll have to do regularly?" You tilt your head, a neutral expression on your face. If there's one thing you're good at, it's acting.

"You will also be in charge of the main north wing hall that leads to his Majesty's chambers, as no one else is allowed in it. I will also be helping with that should you need it, but it needs to be kept tidy and clean. Other than that, unless the King orders it or I specify it, no. However, you will have other duties that may need tending to, depending on the day and what staff are on hand. Things like cleaning and tidying the rest of the Shrine are the most likely possibilities." Uraume occasionally glances back at you to make sure you're following, the smallest bit of surprise on their face when they see how close you are. You guess it's because of how quietly you walk, it's become natural since you were trained to do it.

"Sounds good to me," you reply, folding your hands in front of you.

"I'm glad you're catching on quickly," Uraume comments as they lead you to a pair of double doors in the south wing. "This leads to where you can do laundry and bathe. Down this hall–" they gesture to another hall, "--is the staff quarters. My room is the first one on the right, if there's ever an emergency and you can't find me."

"I'll keep that in mind," you reply nonchalantly. Uraume continues west, you following close behind. You start to notice more servants appearing, putting together that dawn is the general start time for everyone.

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