Chapter 5: Making Bonds

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After spending the previous day cleaning and making sure you were set up for the next day, you ended up turning in a little early to try to actually get some rest. You managed to actually get a solid amount, considering the struggles you've always had sleeping. It was better than the hour or two from your first night here, though.

Today, however, it was time to really get started with your duties.

You wake up begrudgingly at the crack of dawn, mentally preparing yourself for the day ahead. You're quick to get into your uniform today. You even manage to find a hiding place for your clan-inherited knife in the folds of your obi.

The reason for your haste is quickly satiated as you raid the pantry for food. Uraume never told you that you couldn't use the rest of the kitchen, so you decide to make use of it to cook yourself something quick.

In no time at all you've traveled back to the north wing and out to the gardens, where you find a bench to enjoy your food on. You watch the sunrise while you eat, seeing as your main duties can't even be started until after the big man himself leaves his room.

"Can't believe I let myself get dragged to this dump..." you mutter to yourself, flicking a bug off your shoulder.

You spend almost an hour out in the gardens before the pressure that surrounds the shrine is moderately lifted, letting you know that Sukuna has left. Or at the very least, moved to a different part of it.

Sighing, you make your way back inside and towards his room. You pause outside of it, hand hovering over the handle.

It's not like you're scared. You know he's not there. It's more that...

Well, the place feels oddly private. Like you're intruding on some place that's meant to stay secretive, and untouched by anyone but the resident.

That feeling is only amplified when you finally work up the nerve to open the door. The first thing you notice is the huge bed, which is a European style, much to your surprise. The walls are pretty much entirely covered in bookshelves, apart from a desk in the middle of one wall, the wardrobe occupying another part of it, and a large window covering almost an entire wall. One side of the curtains draped across it are pulled to the side, the addition of the cushions in front of it being indented leading you to believe that Sukuna was sitting here not long ago.

Looking to the side you realize the room continues into a personal bathing chamber. A quick look around tells you that he has a surprising amount of beauty products, at least for what you expected.

You shrug to yourself, turning back to the room. You start picking up everything on the floor, making a pile near the door of laundry to be done. Fortunately it's not much.

Next you take to organizing the desk, clearing off what you can tell is trash and organizing what you can tell is not. Moving the open inks and brushes away from the various pieces of parchment, making sure the ink won't dry out.

You notice the two shelves on either side of the desk have uneven amounts of scrolls, and the one with the least scrolls is also being used to keep the extra supplies on.

After straightening everything out you stack it all as he had already begun doing, just much more neatly. You also make sure to dust all the shelves as well as the desk, making them almost sparkling by the time you're done.

Next, you turn your attention to the bed. It's easy enough to put it back together and flatten out all the wrinkles. You give the side tables the same treatment as the desk, dusting and organizing it. You haven't quite gotten a feel for how he likes his things organized so you don't move them around too much, just in case. You plan on escaping, not dying. Especially for something as stupid as organizing things wrong.

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