Residential Showdown

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"Second Squad, start!"

"The town, huh?" We load up on the special map, surrounded by what seems to be a residential area. By instinct, we scan the area for enemies, but since this is the beginning of the contest, everyone is spread apart across the map.

"Guys, check that out!" Fukaziroh points to the large wall in the distance. "What's that?"

"It's the field's boundary," Zeliska explains.

"Oh, I see. No matter who they are, no one can get over that, huh?"

"I think that surrounds the entire map."

"Rei, what's our current position?"

Rei checks the map that's currently filled with red dots of the other teams and our yellow marker. "The northwestern corner, Master."

Kureha points at a series of trails across the map. "If we find a vehicle, we can make use of the trails and move quicker."

I nod, then look up to Llenn. "Aye. Llenn, what is our first move?"

"Maybe we can get a choo choo train to run," Fuka says.

"And where would we go?"

"A bigger town... Yeah, to buy new clothes for us and Rei!"

"Let's do that after I kill Pito."

Fuka grins at Llenn's suggestion. "Roger!"

"Okay, we're here... The hilly area could be dangerous. Too many vantage points, and we can't take advantage of it ourselves without a sniper. We should avoid it."

"How about the stadium south of it," Zeliska points out. "If it's anything like the stadium on the Old South map, we might be able to take some advantage of it. Maybe even more."

Llenn continues to explore the map. "I wonder what this is? Maybe the big building is a school? Below that is a rocky mountain range... Fuka, did you memorize the terrain?"

"How can I remember all that? It's not like ALO where we moved around by flying! We didn't need a map! Well, Kureha sucks at flying, she might need it."

"Go Fuka yourself."

Rei interrupts. "I can remember the terrain, it is one of my abilities as Master's Arfa-Sys."

Llenn nods and stands up. "Okay, but we can also look at the map at any time. Just try not to lose track of where you are. If anyone gets lost, stay put and call us."


Llenn steps away to a cut between two houses and scopes out the area. We follow behind her while she checks the time. "13:04. To start, we need to check the first satellite scan. That will verify if this is a safe place. The scan will allow us to discern our position, avoid the enemy as much as possible, and head towards wherever Pito is. Then I'll use everything I've got to kill her!"

I nod. "We're right behind you, Llenn. Let's win this and save Pito and M."

"In that order, sir?" I face Kureha and roll my eyes at her knowing smirk.

"I do want to win, but not in that order. We will have to eliminate other teams, though. But Pito is priority number one, and remember, Llenn is to take the kill shot no matter what. And she's in charge, not me. Rei, an order from Llenn is an order from me from now on. Got it?"

Everyone, including Llenn, nods at my decree. "Alright, it looks clear. Let's move."


"No sign of the enemy here."

Crimson Squad: Squad Jam 2Where stories live. Discover now