To The Victors, The Spoils

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"Guys, the final showdown between Llenn and Pito is about to begin! What is your situation?"

"We're still trailing T-S. Looks like they're headed in the general direction of you four."

Kureha reloads her weapons in preparation for the upcoming fight. "It's time we take the fight to them. We are losing cover."

"I agree. Fuka, keep me updated. Everyone else, we're taking down T-S right here and..." As I peek my head above our earthly cover, I see the flash of light that indicates a sniper is aiming, but I don't check for the Bullet Line as I throw myself above Kureha. "Get down!" I hear the shot -- two shots, to be specific, spread about three seconds apart. I don't have to look up to see the X-out HUDs of Zeliska and Rei. T-S knew we were trailing them, but they must have been waiting for a moment to gain the advantage. High ground for them, little to no protection for us on the side of the plateau.

We sit back against the rock silently, watching and listening for movement. I have no doubt the sniper(s) know where we are, so the moment we pop out of cover, we risk serious injury or worse. I do have my trump card, my dodging ability Hyper Awareness, but I can't abandon Kureha here. Even if I play the part of distraction, once T-S realizes they can't hit me while the skill is active (nor can I attack back while repeatedly dodging), they aim for Kureha.

"You may hold your position there, Crimson Squad! We won't attack you. Once we confirm the status of the remaining teams, if one of you becomes the team leader, we'll allow you to resign. If that's clear, give me a thumbs up."

Kureha scoffs. "Who the hell do they think they are?"

"Momiji, don't piss them off. Just give them the thumbs up for now."

"You got a plan, Joshua?"

"No. You?"

She turns to the fallen bodies of Zeliska and Rei. "None that won't have Zel glaring at us. Ugh, fine." She gives the enemy the signal they want, then drops her arm in defeat. "But are we going to surrender?"

I shake my head. "Never. We wait for Fuka to give us the results of Llenn and Pito's fight, then we make our move."




"What, Pito?"

"Thank you so much for participating in SJ 2. Only you could have pushed me this far. I'm thrilled I got to have a match overflowing with fighting spirit."

Llenn smiles. "Well, thanks to you, I was so worried I got a stomach ache."

"Huh? But you're going to be in third place, so it'll be worth it. Last time the winner, this time third place. That's fantastic."

Llenn grips the combat knife on her back as Pito stands up. With Zeliska and Rei eliminated, Fuka low on health again. She doesn't know Jaymes and Kureha's situation, but those two are Crimson's premier pairing. They'll manage and win. "Oh no, I'll let you have third place, Pito. While I deal with you here, Jaymes and Kureha will finish off the other team. If you're lucky, you may get second."

"Oh, so that's where they are... No thanks. All I need is victory. Actually, I don't even need that. All I want is to survive this battle royale. That's all."

"Survive? It's a game, so what does it matter if you die?"

"It's not about that."

"Then tell me what it's about. I can't ask after I kill you?"

"I don't think you'd understand even if I told you, but it's more like seriously risking my life in a game."

Llenn frowns. Zeliska's hypothesis, Jaymes' explanation...could it be true? "Risking your life in a game. Like Sword Art Online? But that's..."

Crimson Squad: Squad Jam 2Where stories live. Discover now