Joint Attack

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"Boss, thanks for helping us."

The leader of SHINC scoffs at Llenn's thanks. "I wasn't helping you. I did it because I thought it was the perfect chance to take out the formidable MMTM. Too bad they escaped."

"Is that so," Zeliska questions. "You could have taken that opportunity on us as well."

"Maybe, but I'm sure Memento Mori saw the same thing I did and everyone else watching probably is still talking about." Boss looks to me, nodding her respect. "You're the strongest squad for a reason, after all. Plus I come with another offer. So, how about we have a serious one-on-one battle? Here would be fine, or we could change locations."

"Sorry," Llenn quickly denies. "I can't do that."

"Why not? We said we'd fight each other next time-"

"I'm sorry. My reason is..."

"You see," Fukaziroh interrupts, "we were told that if Pitohui dies here without winning, she'll die in real life. And Llenn is the only person who can stop her."


"Ms. Karen." Oh, is Llenn familiar with this person in real life? In any case, Boss looks to be dropping her challenge. "Would you tell me what's going on?" Llenn, unsure what to do, faces me, but I'm already ahead of her. Boss is familiar with Llenn, and now that I remember the tale, so is the rest of SHINC. If Llenn is willing to trust Boss with what's going on, that's her choice and I will support it. Besides, I have the ever wary Kureha watching our backs.

"Go ahead. But make it short, I doubt Mori truly retreated for now." I step aside and kneel over Clarence's still-present body. I knock on her head just to make sure the 'Dead' pop-up is not a trick, then look at Zeliska who comes to kneel beside me. "Such a shame, Zel. I was hoping she'd ask you."

"If I did not know you joke like this, I would be offended by such a lewd suggestion."

"Who says I was joking... Can't believe after five months we run into Clarence. Maybe I'll give in to her demand. Wouldn't hurt to have another girl in the group, right?"

Zeliska clicks her tongue. "If you're going to choose from our former associates, I'll believe Shirley would be a better choice. Or both, if you have to honor this one's demand."

I chuckle and stand up. "I'll consider the suggestion of the Uncrowned Queen. Rei."

My Arfa-Sys perks up at the call of her name. "Yes, Master?"

"With me. We got a few minutes until the scan begins, and I want to get a look outside. Kureha, come with us. Zeliska, stay with the toddlers, be a good mother."

Fuka turns around and points at me. "Who are you calling a toddler?"

Zeliska sighs and walks toward Llenn and Fuka. "You must hate me today. Very well, don't do anything that you two would normally do. Rei, restrain your Master and Mistress."

Rei salutes. "Aye, Zeliska!"

Kureha scoffs. "What does that mean, I'm not the one who acts before thinking... Don't look at me like that, I know where you sleep."


"There they are! They turned the tables on them. I know Pito is good, but... I have to beat someone like that?" Llenn's shout of astonishment comes from the ping that represents PM4. As I suspected, they did come out of it, but that's all we know. I have high doubts Pito and M have fallen...or anyone on that team has.

"How are things on the outside?"

As we sit high on the side of the dome, Rei answers Zeliska's question. "The numbers are dropping. The Machine Gun Lovers are gone. Seems that they were attacked by T-S. KKHC is still alive, too."

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