Chapter 4: Royally Bound

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A fortnight had passed by, and Esme had found herself quite at home. The attention she had been receiving was a tad overwhelming, with both Fitz and Thomas eager to be in her company every single hour of every single day. It was all quite emotionally and physically taxing, as she all too soon learned, but Esme couldn’t deny them. They were the hosts, and to wish to be alone in their house was far too improper. But oh! To have a moment to oneself!

Esme crept quietly through the house one morning, tip-toeing across the creaky wooden panels on the floor. It was twenty past six in the morning, and she wanted to go for a walk before Fitz or Thomas discovered that she was gone. She did not dread their company, but it would be nice… Just for one morning… To remember the daybreak walks that she used to enjoy on the farm.

She escaped from the sleeping homestead, treading on the beaten path that seemed to go on and on through the woods. In and out she breathed, smelling the pine, the lavender, the freshness of the air. There could not possibly be anything better.

Thoughts crowded her mind the minute she stopped walking. She looked up to the deep blue sky as she thought of Papa. He seemed so far away now. When she was on the farm there was always a direct reminder of him… In the shed that he had built, the short temper of Mother’s that was caused by Papa’s death…

Maybe getting away from home made it less painful. The obvious attention from two of the Manning sons was a good distraction. To think that possibly she might fall for one of them made her smile. Would it be opinionated Thomas, or gentle Fitz? 

She did not love Ted, and she thought of him less and less as time went by. But she felt something for both brothers. Something she could not put her finger on. Esme wanted to fall in love, but was not sure with whom. They would have to do more, she supposed.

“Mrs Manning,” she said slowly, trying out the name. Esme wrinkled her nose. “Mrs Fitz Manning… Or Mrs Thomas Manning?” she giggled. Fitz had made a wonderful friend thus far… Could he be the one?

Turning around, she smiled as she faced the Manning house. It was beautiful. Would it be hers? She began walking back hurriedly, wanting to return before she was missed. Time could only tell what future was in store for Esme Goldworth.

She crept back into the house, hearing the first signs of the awakening of the family. Pots and pans clashed, signifying that breakfast was being prepared, a heavy door slammed, meaning that Mr Manning had already dressed and was awake, and the library door had been swung open, which could only mean one thing: Fitz had been reading since dawn.

Smiling, Esme could not help but draw towards the library door, wishing to walk in and join him. But she only permitted herself a peek, and craned her neck to see around the door frame. There she saw Fitz, nose stuck in a book, unmoving. The book must be quite interesting, Esme mused. If only I could just get closer…

It was then that she saw Thomas, facing the window, looking out. From the window’s reflection, he looked quite concentrated and somewhat vexed.

Surprised, Esme leaned her back against the wall so that they could not see her.

Then Thomas spoke. “You received a letter from Brigitte, I hear?”

Fitz’s voice was soft, and Esme could barely hear him. “Mmm.” He confirmed, sounding very consumed with his reading. “She asked us to visit.”

“She sent word for us to visit the palace?” Thomas sounded shocked.

A book slammed down. “No, Tom, of course not!” Fitz said patiently, though obviously annoyed. “The King wishes to meet his servants’ families, and has prepared lodging for a fortnight.”

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