Chapter 24: No Longer Unheard

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Lizzie squirmed in the chair beside Julian’s.  What were all these people here for? Her birthday was last night…

It seemed as though the courtiers and commoners were confused as to the purpose of this meeting as well.

“What could the King want? The assassin is not yet identified, and the advisor’s son couldn’t possibly take the throne just yet…”

“All the edict said was to attend a public hearing!”

“Where there is so much work to be done, this had better be worth something!”

Dear, they do not seem very pleased, Lizzie thought to herself. If only Miss Esme was here to cheer her up… and Julian, as well. Poor Julian! That black-hearted murderer who tried to hurt Julian—let him never be at peace! The pain put Julian in a very dark mood, Lizzie thought glumly.  “Brother,” Lizzie turned to her grim-faced sibling. “Where is Miss Esme? Why has she not come?”

Looking over at his sister, Julian wished she could understand it all. “She will be here soon, Lizzie. You

will see.”

Lizzie’s brow furrowed and frown tugged on the corners of her mouth. “Oh, I wish she were here beside us! Perhaps she could explain everything!”

Julian’s jaw tightened as he kept silent. Once this hearing was over, all would be explained. All would be revealed. How would Lizzie understand it all?  The betrayal of their father would shock her. He was a great pretender. Would she be able to believe it?

Scanning the crowd, Julian had never seen the throne room quite so packed. Curiosity had gotten the best of every person in this room. I would’ve probably done the same, Julian thought. Such an edit would attract attention. Oh, if only they knew what was in store.

A trumpet blast pulled Julian away from his brooding thoughts. A small bearded man’s announcement rang through the large room, silencing all its occupants. “Order to the court! Please stand for the entrance of his Majesty, King Edward Broderick!”

The crowd complied, and rose in unison as King Edward walked in. He seems just as stony as Julian felt. As his Highness neared his throne, close to where Julian sat, they exchanged a slight nod of greeting. So much had changed since they spoke last! The King took his seat, and as did the rest of the room.

The entire crowd seemed to be holding its collective breath, waiting for an answer. The royal scribed sat up straight, quill still and ready. It was a few moments before the announcer took out a piece of parchment, and began to read. “This public hearing, held on the 13th of September, 1583, in the throne room of his Majesty, King Edward Broderick, was purposed to convict Sir Morton Mansfield, royal advisor of fraud, murder and traitorous acts against our King.”

 Gasps of surprise and disbelief bounced against the high walls of the room. Lizzie’s eyes had widened, and her frown had turned into an expression of bewilderment. “Surely they can’t mean our Papa, Julian!” she whispered, fingers tightening around his.

“Hush, Lizzie. Listen.”

The announcer had continued speaking. “Twenty years ago, the heir of the Broderick throne was to be born, and was.”

A buzz of confusion reverberated throughout the people. Hadn’t the babe perished with its poor mother?

“Bring them out, please,” the announcer directed with a nod from the King.

Julian’s heart lodged in his throat when Esme appeared, with Curtis, Ted, Kenneth and Morton Mansfield behind her. She was still wearing the torn burgundy gown. Dirt no long specked her cheeks, but her hands were chapped and unmoving. He ached for her, but she would not meet his gaze. Julian felt Lizzie’s fingers squeeze his own, and saw the flicker of recognition mixed with terror in her eyes. It was too much for her to handle, and she buried her head in his chest. Stroking her back, his gaze shifted back to Esme, who was looking steadily at the King. Father and daughter’s gazes locked, and they shared a moment of strength with only a look. All too quickly, it was shattered with the noise and bustle of reality.

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