Chapter 22: After the Trumpet Blast

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Ken watched in horror as Julian Mansfield crumpled to the ground after the bullet whooshed through the air. He had seen Morton move from Esme's line of fire, but hadn't imagined that Julian would die because of it.

He was surprised that Esme had taken the shot. Hadn't she known that she was supposed to shoot and miss? It had to be enough just to scare everyone...

Then it hit hard. The King had to know. He couldn't afford thinking about what this might cost Esme. Quickly glancing up at the upper level, he saw that Esme was still there, gun gone from her hands, blinking at Julian's limp form. Run, Esme! Before they see you!

Suddenly, a woman's scream rang out from above her. "Guards! There! The murderer of Sir Mansfield's son! Catch her!" It was Brigitte, pointing frantically at Esme, eyes wild with hate. "Do

not let her escape!"

Esme heard this, and instantly began to run. Good, Esme. Now keep running. And do not stop.

Ted appeared by Ken's side, astonished at the scene that was unfolding before them. "Get to the Prince. We need him alive," Ken instructed absentmindedly. "I will help the King."

The younger man placed a hand on Ken's forearm. "You will tell his Majesty, then?" Ted asked.

He nodded solemnly. "We have not a minute to lose. Go!"

Ted nodded, and ran over to where Julian Mansfield lay. Hoisting him over his shoulder, Ted left the scene. And now I must persuade the King. "Your Majesty," Ken said in an urgent voice, touching the King gently on the shoulder. "For your further safety, we must leave."

King Edward looked around him, wide eyed at the scene of chaos. Already people were streaming out of the ballroom, and tables and chairs were falling over, food here and there. Lizzie and Morton had already been evacuated. Only the King was left of the party. He turned to Ken. "Take me, then."

Nodding, Ken helped the King to his feet, and they left the balcony. Taking lefts and rights, Ken made sure that there were no guards following them.

"Where are you taking me, captain?" The King asked, acknowledging Ken's strange behaviour. "I hope you are taking me to safety rather than pulling me from it."

"I assure you, sir, that you are perfectly safe. I am not a part of your army for no reason, your Majesty," Ken answered carefully, not looking at the King. He needed to talk with him in private, and kidnapping him was really the only way to do it.

Swiftly, Ken opened a door, grabbed the King's arm as he pulled him into a dark study, shutting the door behind them. "I beg your pardon, sir, but this is the only way I may talk to you alone."

A spark of surprise turned quickly to amusement. He sensed no danger. "What do you wish to say to me? You do know, captain, that by forcing me into a room against my will could probably put you in prison?"

"I am fully aware of that, sir, but it is the risk I must take."

His Majesty's eyebrows rose. "I believe you have my attention, captain. What is it that is so important?"

Ken inhaled deeply. "It involves her late Highness' death, milord, and her child."

King Edward went white and swayed slightly. Ken helped him to a chair. "They are long gone, captain," he whispered slowly. "Everyone knows that."

Straightening, Ken shook his head. Twenty years, and now he will know.


Esme had run as fast as she knew how to, but it had not been enough. The guards were much stronger. She would have had a head start had it not been for Brigitte, screaming and pointing at her.

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