Chapter 8

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Becky's pov.

The first thing I noticed were the striking brown eyes. They were stunning, the most saturated shade of brown I have ever seen.

For a moment as if, I wondered how many chocolates had been discovered that could compare to the brown in the eyes of the person in front of me. Below it, a fairly chiselled face. This clinically insane killer was sickeningly beautiful.

It took a second for me to break out of the hypnotic trance I never even had the chance to realize I'd fallen in.

"M-Ms. Chankimha...?" I called out, regaining my composure and finally standing up.

The person's narrow eyes never left me, following my every move, like how an apex predator watches its prey. When she didn't say a word, I took it as my cue to continue.

"I...uh...hi. I will be- uh, you are assigned.....for a project..." I trailed off and turned my gaze away, realizing I wasn't going anywhere with the muddled stuttering mess.

The azure pair of irises continued to watch me wordlessly, making me shift uncomfortably under her intense stare.

I took a deep breath and started again, "Ms. Chankimha, I'm a crim- criminal psychology student from Seoul National University and I have been asked for an assignment. I thought you were told..."

In a split second, the person hopped off the table, making me back up against the door more, if possible. The horror built its way up my throat as I realized this criminal wasn't even restrained. As she made the first step towards me, I involuntarily shrunk back.

"Stop, just- just stay back. Please, or I'll call for help," I mumbled anxiously, waving the panic button in my grip around.

The person continued to take small steps towards me, until she was just a mere few inches away from me. Her eyes, akin to the clearest mud I had ever set my gaze upon, peered into my stark ones keenly. As if, trying to make out my breathing pattern.

"Observe me, huh?" She smiled.

It is known that a smile is nothing but a small indication of pleasure in human nature, a harmless little deed. But maybe it was in the way that the corners of her mouth tilted up, that screamed deranged. Her smile was pure crazed.

I shook my head, "T- that is not what I meant, I'm sorry if I hurt your fee-" The sound of her chuckle cut me off.

"Hurt?" She quirked a brow whilst still laughing, "I don't get hurt, silly kitten."

Suddenly, I could swear, within a moment all mirth was gone from her face; as her tone grew sombre.

"I hurt people. Especially pretty girls like you."

My stomach lurched. Everything that had been taught to me, everything I had prepared for, all gone. With just one look. I tried my best to ignore what she had just said, along with the dangerous proximity between the killer's body and mine.

"Ms. Chankimha, please. All I need is to just do my project and, I'll be on my way and you can....can do whatever is it that you want."

"What is your name?" She said, peering down into my eyes once again. This person had to be at least eight inches taller than my 5'5 frame.

My breath hitched in my throat. I parted my lips to form words, but my mouth went dry. The killer raised an eyebrow expectantly.

"Bec-" I paused to wet my dry mouth, "Becky Armstrong."

Her pale lips stretched into a smirk. There was no telling what would happen next, so I chose to remain quiet.

"So tell me, Bec-Becky Armstrong.." She leaned closer to me, making me shirnk back more against the door. "..What do you want?"

The fact that her breath was fanning my neck was not helping the situation very much.


"Lunch time," A loud voice said monotonously, opening the door and almost pushing me down. I whipped around quickly to meet the face of the grumpy nurse who'd escorted Heng from before. But I didn't care. Tears of relief poked at the inner corner of my eyes. Clutching my files in my hand tightly, I ran out of the room as fast as my legs could carry me, not giving a second glance behind.

But the question, you see, is how long can you run until your problem creeps up on you from behind?


A/N: well that was expected from a killer but do you think Becky's reaction was vaild? Vote? Comment? Follow? See yaaa <3

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