Chapter 31

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Becky's pov.

It hit me like a bolt to the head, "Freen blocked her past." I murmured to myself.

"Precisely," Doctor Kim smiled. "Say, has Freen happened to ever mention anything about Sam?"

"Sam?" The name didn't pull any discernible connections in my mind. "No, I don't think so. Who's Sam?" I blinked in sheer confusion.

"He's the killer."

I peered at Doctor Kim dumbfounded. For a good minute, my brain, seemingly, had lost the capability to comprehend three simple words. "Wh....what?"

Doctor Kim sat tranquil, wordless, looking plainly at my perplexed state.

"I'm....I'm sorry, I don't undestand..." A nervous chuckle left my mouth.

He pursed his thin lips, "Well, you were, yourself, implying that there is another killer, weren't you?"

"Yes—but I....I.." I trailed off, positively dazed. My head still reeled with the alarming information that Doctor Kim had revealed calmly, as if it were a simple morning greeting. Unnerving seconds rolled by, as the predicament was finally apprehended in my brain.

"Does that mean Freen Chankimha is not completely guilty?" That she is not completely insane. I breathed harshly, "That Sam guy, does that mean he's the second murderer?"

"Yes," The doctor answered. In a manner  that was too collected.

I could merely hold my breath any longer, "Then where is he? Shouldn't he be locked up in here too?"

The doctor studied me placidly. "He is."

I furrowed my eyebrows in uncertainty. "I don't get it."

"Why don't you go through Freen Chankimha's diagnosis again, carefully, Miss Armstrong?" He leaned back in his chair, face too serene for my comprehending. I glimpsed down into the file, gauging the words on the page once again.

Bipolar Affective Disorder.

Antisocial Personality Disorder

I worked my way down the now familiar list.

That's when I saw it. My heart halted for a second.

The first time my eyes had overlooked it in haste. But now, it was as if, what was on the page had commanded the world to stop spinning. The sudden shallowness of my breaths nearly set a fire in my chest.

I flickered my gaze to Doctor Kim's, eyes wide. He understood that I had indeed seen what he wanted me to see.

"Dissociative Identity Disorder."

Doctor Kim's voice spelt out the phrase that my mind had been fixated on.

"Freen Chankimha's body is a vessel for two different identities. Freen herself, and," he paused for a quick second, "Sam Chankimha."

I was instantaneously brought back to our previous encounter.

'Why did you burn those girls? What was different with them?'

'I didn't.'


A/N: ooohhh two personalities in one... who would you guys prefer... Sam or Freen? Haha, vote? Comment? Follow? See yaaa <3

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