chapter 4:

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The information in this update and the upcoming updates are not fictional but due to not knowing the exact details and truth please re check the information.
Although the informations are taken from internet but we are not assuring that the sources are reliable.

Because mahabharat is already written account , we only add our one character. If any other fictional character is too be added there will be prior notice to the reader to not confuse.


Guru Dronacharya told all his student to attack panchal king , Drupad.

According to the Mahabharata, Drupada is the son of Prishata, the king of Panchala Kingdom and his birth name was Yajnasena.

He goes to the hermitage of the sage Bharadvaja for education and befriends Drona, his classmate and Bhardwaja's son.

Drupada assures Drona that once he becomes the king, he would share half of his kingdom with Drona. After completing his education, Drupada returns to Panchala.

The wife of Drupada is addressed as Prishati (lit. 'daughter-in-law of Prishata') in the Mahabharata.

The epic also records Drupada praying to the god Shiva, after which Shikhandi-the reincarnation of princess Amba-is born. Different versions of the Mahabharata portray Drupada's family uniquely.
In most versions, Shikhandi and Satyajita are the biological children of Drupada, while Dhristadyumna and Draupadi are born from a fire sacrifice organised by him.

Drupada becomes the king of Panchala after the death of Prishata.

Meanwhile, Drona lives a life of poverty but after his son, Ashvatthama, is teased for being so poor that he is unable to afford milk, he approaches Drupada for help.
Drupada, now conscious of the difference of status between them, refuses to acknowledge their friendship and shuns Drona, and calls him a beggar.


"O Brahmana (Drona), thy intelligence is scarcely of a high order, inasmuch as thou sayest unto me, all on a sudden, that thou art my friend! O thou of dull apprehension, great kings can never be friends with such luckless and indigent wights as thou! It is true there had been friendship between thee and me before, for we were then both equally circumstanced. But Time that impaireth everything in its course, impaireth friendship also. In this world, friendship never endureth for ever in any heart. Time weareth it off and anger destroyeth it too. Do not stick, therefore, to that worn-off friendship. Think not of it any longer. The friendship I had with thee, O first of Brahmanas, was for a particular purpose. Friendship can never subsist between a poor man and a rich man, between a man of letters and an unlettered mind, between a hero and a coward. Why dost thou desire the continuance of our former friendship? There may be friendship or hostility between persons equally situated as to wealth or might. The indigent and the affluent can neither be friends nor quarrel with each other. One of impure birth can never be a friend to one of pure birth; one who is not a car-warrior can never be a friend to one who is so; and one who is not a king never have a king for his friend. Therefore, why dost thou desire the continuance of our former friendship?"

- Drupada (Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Section CXXXII)[7]


Drona becomes infuriated and vows to avenge the insult. After leaving the palace, he wanders about in search of disciples who are capable of confronting Drupada.

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