Don't toy with me

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Ambrose's pulse raced as he drove to Celene's house. Though she wasn't his lover, her unique talents were exactly what he needed that evening. Lilith's presence had been a relentless torment, pushing him to the brink of madness with every teasing whisper and provocative glance. Recalling her taunts and seductive incitement, he felt the tension within him coil tighter.

 Her words, dripping with malice, echoed in his mind alongside memories of her crude remarks and profane language that could make even the most debauched blush in shame.

Celene was a twisted sanctuary in these moments of turmoil, a skilled professional mistress who precisely knew what he craved and would unleash the darker desires that simmered beneath his controlled exterior. While he usually sought submission with Celene, there were occasions when the need to dominate surged through him like a primal force demanding release. 

And on those nights when his darkness threatened to consume him, he would crawl back to her. Only when he felt that darkness creep up, rearing its head and snapping its teeth, then he let it out. 

So that is what he did.

Arriving at her home, he followed her into the dimly lit "workroom" where the air was heavy with anticipation. Without hesitation, he delved into the carefully orchestrated scene. Every ounce of tension that had coiled within him found release in a myriad of ways. He expertly blindfolded her, skillfully securing her to intricate contraptions and restraints that adorned the room. 

With meticulous precision, he selected from an array of tools laid out before him, each serving a specific purpose in his quest to either punish, dominate, or indulge in elaborate role-playing scenarios.

For hours on end, he artfully bound her in ever-changing positions, teasing her with the sweet torment of almost reaching climax only to pull back at the last moment. He observed as she surrendered herself to the ebb and flow of subspace, drifting between reality and euphoria under his skilled hands.

It was the role-playing that ignited a fervor within him. Encouraging her to unleash her inner brat, he relished in asserting his dominance over her spirited defiance. The absence of traditional intercourse mattered not; his gratification stemmed from repeatedly pushing her boundaries and reveling in the delicious tension held him in its grip with each act of disobedience. 

In those charged moments, he found himself consumed by visions of Lilith's provocative demeanor, her clear disobedience, her sardonic tone, and her relentless teasing fueling his desires further.

The roar of the engine reverberated through his body. He knew he could rely on it to carry him through until he required her assistance once more, especially as his unwelcome house guest continued to push the boundaries of his sanity, threatening to unravel him completely.

At this moment, he sensed the shadows within him obeying his command once more, coiling tightly under his command, allowing him to at least have control again.

Ascending the winding road that snaked through the dense forest towards his secluded manor, he cranked up the volume on his playlist, vocalising the lyrics with a peaceful sense washing over him.

Abruptly, his joyful serenade came to an end as his eyes locked onto an unfamiliar vehicle parked in front of his house. Panic gripped him momentarily before reason set in, recalling the sleek black car Jack had driven, he allowed his heart to calm a bit.

Instead of that dark luxury sedan, a sleek pearl-colored two-seater caught his eye. With a furrowed brow, he quickly parked and hastened inside. The unlocked door only added to the growing pit in his stomach. Pausing at the threshold, he was enveloped by sensuous music carrying romantic and enticing lyrics.

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