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Ambrose hurried to his room, out of breath, and the wind knocked right from him as he recalled the way she noticed him, her eyes trailed his body and stopped right by his manhood. She stared at him, and he melted under her gaze when her eyes met his and she saw the redness in his face.

"Fuck" he breathed, thinking about how she bit her lip. Did he completely scare her off? He wondered. But he didn't know that he was so scantily clad, he just reacted, and now he felt like a complete pervert.

He made it to the bathroom and splashed some cold water on his face, he had to calm down, the intensity was driving him insane, he barely knew her, but there was this constant pull that he couldn't just ignore, it knawed on him, it felt consuming.

Utter fear sliced through him as he looked down to where her eyes had stuck, "No, No No, not now" he pleaded to no one but himself. For staring him right in the face was a massive bulge, that grew more and more uncomfortable as the seconds passed.

This was a problem, he had to get it to go away, he had so much to do today so without thinking too much on the matter, he hopped in the tub, and set it to cold. He was freezing by the time he got out, but at least the problem was dealt with, not in the way he would've wanted, but at least it was gone.

He pulled on some black jeans, a long-sleeved white shirt, a white sweater, and a black leather jacket, along with his heavy black boots, spritzing some cologne as the final piece to his ensemble, he checked his hair again, which made him feel like a high schooler but he couldn't help the anxiety that ran through him.

He raced out of his room, woke up a very grumpy Lucy, thanked the stars that she didn't have to witness any of that mess, and went back downstairs, to the kitchen where he grabbed a glass and some heavy pain meds to give to Lilith, who was laying on the couch staring at the ceiling in the living room.

He cleared his throat and she jumped slightly, "Sorry, I...uh, I brought you this" he lifted the glass and pain tablets. She struggled upright but thanked him with a faint smile as she took it from his hands. Her skin was burning, out of instinct his hand flew to her forehead, and she nearly choked on the water.

"You're burning up," he said with furrowed brows.

"I'm fine" she huffed, he wasn't having any of it.

"I'm taking Lucy to her mother, I'll bring back something to help with that, mine ran out", Lilith shook her head.

"Don't, I said I'm fine" he shot her an annoyed glance.

"Do you instead want to come with me into town, so I can take you to the Emergency room?" her features scrunched up in protest.

"Didn't think so, just stay here, make yourself comfortable, I'll be back soon" he didn't linger for too long, as he could still feel the tension, very thick in the air.

He hurried Lucy along, she said goodbye to Lilith, and they were off, hoping that the cold sea air might extinguish his burning insides.
Lilith looked around, she was alone, Ambrose had sped out so quickly that she couldn't help but feel like she did something wrong.

But it wasn't her fault for the way he was dressed, flaunting himself right in front of her. Perhaps she should've been a bit more apologetic, she just wasn't thinking, it was staring her right in the face.

He was huge, not talking about his, parts necessarily, although there was no denying that he was quite sizeable, no, she was referring to his stature, he was tall, lean, muscular, healthy and well put together, unlike herself.

She cursed her own insecurities, and her appearance because she knew looked like shit, she had lost so much weight her bones were starting to become more noticeable, and her eyes looked so sunken in with dark circles around them. They brimmed with tears as she thought about herself, she was pathetic, she did not deserve to live, just a useless piece of garbage, just like he had always said.

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