Siren song

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Disclaimer, this chapter includes mature themes.

Also, I realised that I didn't include the second part of the chapter, so sorry for that, I hope this makes up for it, and also this is not a final, I will be going back and forth as I have time to edit and improve.


The tension coiled within Ambrose, a volatile mix of fury and fear threatening to unravel him. Every part of him trembled under the strain, his control slipping like sand through his fingers. The woman who had left him in the dark now stood before him, her sudden return stirring a tempest of emotions within him. Her reckless actions had put them both in jeopardy, their precarious situation made even more perilous by her solitary escapade into uncertainty.

He pressed his back hard against the wall, feeling the rough texture dig into his skin as he fought to steady his trembling body. His hands quivered uncontrollably as he lifted them to his face, the muscles in his arms tense with the effort. 

Running his fingers over his forehead and down over his eyes, he halted abruptly when they reached the bridge of his nose and hovered near his quivering lips.

He caught a whiff of her scent, the remnants of his mischievous grin lingering on his features. A rush of warmth swept over him at the idea of her vulnerability before him, yet he fiercely resisted the primal urges clawing at him. Each encounter with her fueled the tempest within him, an unsettling blend of rage and desire that unsettled him deeply. 

A battle raged inside him, his once unwavering control slipping away, tainted by an insidious force.

It's all her fault

Something dark within him purred

No, he fought back.

Yes, it practically hissed. He had to drown out the noise, but he couldn't think straight with it clawing at him so viciously.

His mind drifted to her, consumed with the recent events and a desire to make amends. 

However, a surge of frustration redirected his focus to her role in the situation. 

He reflected on her tendency to act impulsively and dismiss his advice, labeling her as arrogant and foolish. In his view, she had invited the consequences upon herself through her reckless behavior, warranting some form of retribution.

Feeling as though he had plunged into a maelstrom of conflicting thoughts, he grappled with his sanity. The room seemed to constrict around him, suffocating in its darkness. 

Desperate for release, he burst out of the chamber and charged towards the library corridor. The vast expanse of the library beckoned to him, offering a battleground for his inner turmoil, even if it meant wreaking havoc on its elegant interior.

He sprinted through the familiar halls of his home, making a sudden turn that took him past the stairs and veering sharply to the left. In his frenzied urgency, details blurred around him as Lilith appeared from around the corner, on her way to her room. 

Their collision was narrowly avoided as he skidded to a stop just in time, the air crackling with tension between them. A sharp pang grazed the side of his face before his hand instinctively closed around her wrist, exerting a painful grip.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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