Scream for Me

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Disclaimer: Contains themes that might be unsettling to some.

In all her years, Lilith had never fathomed the depths of fury and fascination that could entwine within her. Despite the flames of anger consuming her, a bewildering sense of being ensnared by a spell left her in a whirlwind of vexation. The intensity was such that her mind spun uncontrollably, edging towards a dark abyss.

Ambrose's shift was stark, a complete departure from the warmth and yearning that once radiated from his gaze. Now, his eyes held a menacing intensity that seemed to flicker with the fires of the underworld itself. This new aura of his was all-consuming, searing its imprint into her mind. His soldering stare, akin to gunmetal pools, infiltrated every corner of her thoughts. Despite her resentment towards this change, she found herself drawn to the forbidden allure he now exuded. The desire for their unholy connection tugged at her, tempting and reckless in equal measure.

Rattled to her core, she strategized her next move with the precision of a tightrope walker navigating a path lined with coiled vipers, their sleek forms pulsing with hunger and malice. Every step she took was a calculated dance towards securing a safe exit, ensuring minimal impact on herself amidst the venomous threat that surrounded her.

She had never once felt a flicker of fear in his presence, until last night. Despite her initial intentions to exploit his flawless facade, she now found herself inexplicably drawn to the enigmatic depths beneath his sculpted physique and alluring appearance. It troubled her that she could be so captivated by someone she had set out to deceive. 

Her reaction to fear seemed abnormal—being both consumed by fiery panic and suffocated by an overwhelming flood of saliva. It left her questioning her own sanity and morality.

Having glimpsed beneath his carefully crafted facade, Lilith found herself inexplicably drawn to the imperfections she discovered. The realization that he harbored hidden flaws stirred something within her.

 She knew she needed to tread cautiously, exchanging one precarious situation for another was the last thing she desired. Escaping the clutches of one pursuer only to attract the attention of two would be a nightmare scenario she was determined to avoid at all costs.

Ambrose's demeanor bore no resemblance to that of the abusive individual. Instead, he exuded an aura of pure dominance, a potent force stemming from his ability to tightly control his deepest desires. Lilith found herself captivated by the mystery shrouding his true nature, intrigued by the possibility of uncovering more layers hidden beneath his exterior.

 Engaging with Ambrose felt like entering a risky game, but Lilith reveled in such challenges; playing with him had brought her unparalleled joy after years of monotony. The abundance of entertainment at her disposal seemed almost unjust for one woman to possess. 

As she contemplated the power she held in her delicate yet formidable grasp, a mischievous smile crept across her lips. She relished the thought of unraveling Ambrose's defenses and witnessing his inevitable surrender. Was her enjoyment at his potential downfall morally questionable? Perhaps so, but Lilith remained unfazed by such concerns.

No, she couldn't deny it. He wasn't a significant improvement either way. She'd need to proceed cautiously, with precision and detachment. The temptation to push the boundaries of his control was one she couldn't resist indulging in. 

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