Rising Storm

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Disclaimer: For mature readers only

Ambrose sat motionless atop the counter, his chest heaving as if he had just sprinted a marathon. His lips were parted ever so slightly, struggling to draw in enough air to fill his lungs.

Lilith's unpredictable behavior never failed to bewilder him. It rendered him speechless, transforming his mind into a barren wasteland where coherent thoughts went to die.

Just as he felt a flicker of comprehension about her intentions, she swiftly yanked the rug from under him, leaving him bewildered. Merely hours before, tears had streaked down her face, allowing him a glimpse beyond her usual cold facade. Yet, with the dawn, she transformed once again into the venomous seductress he knew all too well. Ambrose exhaled a weighty sigh that seemed to carry the burden of his confusion as his hands traced a path across his flushed cheeks.

He fought to steady his trembling hands, refusing to succumb to the dangerous allure of attachment, a temptation he usually embraced but now shunned for the sake of his ego and the well-being of all involved. Within him, a turbulent beast threatened to break free from the meticulously crafted facade of control he wore. With a stifled growl, he forcefully subdued the primal urge that yearned to possess her completely. 

Rising from the countertop, he straightened his disheveled clothing before ascending the stairs with deliberate steps toward his room. Retrieving his phone, he sifted through his contacts until his gaze settled on a familiar name, one that had remained untouched for a long time.

He had fought tooth and nail to resist the pull of his past, determined to steer clear of the chaos that Lilith had left in her wake. The way she had just left had shredded his composure, leaving him with a volatile mix of fury and longing. 

The insatiable hunger simmered beneath his skin, threatening to unleash a tempest he might not be able to contain. Reluctance weighed heavy in his chest as he tapped the contact icon, each tap echoing like a countdown to surrender. The device hummed to life against his ear, his hands betraying a tremor as anticipation and unease tangled within him. Despite the thrill that danced through his veins, shame gnawed at him relentlessly, its grip as tight as the erratic beat of his heart and the skittish dart of his gaze.


Silent as a ghost gliding through the shadows, Lilith crept up the stairs after Ambrose, who had slipped past her like a phantom. Without a sound, he disappeared into his bedroom and shut the door behind him with a soft click. 

As she reached for the doorknob to follow him, a murmur of voices escaped from within, barely audible but enough to pique her curiosity. Straining her ears, she tried to decipher the hushed conversation that hinted at secrets unknown to her, leaving her wondering about the mysterious caller on the other end of the line.

"Are you available?" she heard him mutter. A brief pause followed before he spoke again, his voice low yet commanding. "Your presence is required tonight," he stated firmly, sending a shiver down her spine at the weight of his words. "No, not this time... I will be taking charge," he continued with an air of authority that left Lilith puzzled yet intrigued. It was evident to her that this was no casual chat between friends sharing a drink; there was an underlying intensity in his tone that hinted at something more profound.

"Yes, that's perfect. Immediate action is necessary," she strained to catch his next words, leaning closer to the door as his voice dropped to a near whisper. "It's urgent... I can't delay any longer," his voice held a chilling calmness, tinged with a hint of dominance that sent a wave of unease through her. The way he spoke resonated with a dark power, stirring images of control and submission in her mind, creating an enticing tension in the air.

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