Chapter II - Manners

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Uzi sighed and sat at her desk, tapping the back of her mechanical pencil. Her homework sat in front of her. Well, more like work she forgot to do over the summer to catch up. Nightcore blasting in her ears. She groaned and threw her pencil down, deciding to pull an all-nighter over the weekend because of it. She pulled her headphones off and was greeted by a loud bang from the stairwell.

Her eyes narrowed and she raised an eyebrow, walking out of her room. Her dad was passed out on the couch so she tiptoed towards the door. She opened it and was greeted with Niko, nearly flattened on the stairs with piles of boxes atop the flight of stairs. She snorted and put her hands on her hips.

"And what exactly are you doing out here?" she asked.

"Thinking about how much time I just wasted," Niko mumbled into the stairs.

Uzi closed her front door and pranced up the stairs, knocking off the side of the head to get up. He softly exclaimed but didn't move. "What are these?" she asked, pulling a box down and opening the flaps. Inside her an assortment of trinkets and fake weapons.

"The Angel of Death told me to bring my stuff in from the car before she leaves," Niko explained. "That is my stuff."

Uzi eyed the boxes, counting about 6 in total. "So, judging by what's in the box I just looked in. It's all worthless junk. Got it."

Niko's antenna swayed from side to side yet he still stayed on the stairs. "It is not 'worthless junk'. It is very valuable stuff, thank you very much!"

"Mhm, keep dreaming, buddy," Uzi teased. "Why don't I bring up a few boxes and help you unpack? What floor do you live on?" Niko pointed up to the apartment above. "You live above me? Actually, I'm not surprised."

She folded the flaps of the box back up and lifted it up, prancing up the stairs to the upstairs apartment. She opened the door, thinking nothing of it and placed the box near Niko's kitchen. She left to grab another box when she heard a soft shuffling sound. She paused and raised an eyebrow, turning slowly on her heel. What the hell was that? she thought.

Niko was making his way past her when he glanced over to the kitchen. "Hi, Cyn," he greeted, picking up the other box and walking to his room.

Uzi froze and turned slowly to the side, seeing the girl she saw yesterday by the car in the kitchen. She seemed to have been standing there for a while due to her bones cracking when she moved. Her antenna didn't move half as much as Niko's did, instead she narrated every single thing she did. She watched Uzi with much intent, studying her. "Shuffles away suspiciously," she narrated, walking away while keeping an eye on Uzi until she slid her door closed.

Uzi felt a shiver send itself down her spine, quickly being sent out of her daze by a dagger zipping past her vision and stabbing into the wall next to her. Her breathing hitched and she felt a hand on her shoulder, slowly pulling her out of the apartment.

"And you told me to keep dreaming," Niko said slyly.

"Yea, that was before I found out your sister was a fre-" her mouth was quickly covered by Niko's hand and he closed the apartment door with his foot. Uzi pried his hand off and flicked it away. "Touchy subject?"

Niko's visible eye narrowed and he glanced at the door. "You don't know what she'll do."

"Is that a general question or-?" Uzi asked.

"You know I can't answer that."

Uzi knitted her eyebrows together. "What kind of cryptic answer was that!?" she exclaimed.

"A cryptic one," Niko smirked, walking back down to grab another box.

Uzi however, was quick to follow him. "She's the culprit for your chuunibyou, isn't she? You're her servant. Which one of you started this? If you don't want this, I know a way to get rid of-"

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