Chapter V - Nostalgia

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N opened his eyes slowly, rubbing one of them to get the sleep out of it. He lifts his head up and looks around, realizing the sun was up high in the sky. His antenna shot up and he pushed himself up, a woozy feeling washing over him. He was quickly sent to the ground and groaned.

A light knock sent a shockwave through N's body, causing him to wince in pain. "Big Brother?" Cyn asked through the door. "I'm coming in," she opened the door slowly and noticed her brother and his state. "Gasp, my servant! Falls on knees. Are you alright?" she asked, grabbing N's face with her hands. "Did you battle an angel last night?"

N shook his head as best as he could. "Maybe in the realm of dreams but there were no angels last night."

Cyn draped the back of her hand over his forehead. "Ouch!" she exclaimed, waving her hand in the air. "My servant, you're burning up! You cannot go back to our base of operations in your condition! Fear not, for I, The Main Host of The AbsoluteSolver. Shall help you in your desperate times-"

"What are you two idiots doing?" V asked, standing in the doorway with her arms crossed.

"My servant is in critical condition!" Cyn announced, pulling N's head up to press it next to her own face. "What did you do to him yesterday? I heard you engaged in mortal combat."

"One, stop swinging him around like that, you don't want to make it worse," V said, taking N from Cyn and swinging him over her shoulder. N stayed limp like a ragdoll despite being taller than V. "Two, you get ready for school while I take him to the hospital. Notify his friend with highlighter hair that he won't be in school today and get the schoolwork he needs for the day."

"Do not call her a highlighter-" N started before a wave of nausea washed over him and he covered his mouth.

Cyn stood up quickly, hands extended just in case N fell or anything. "He'll be fine," V assured. "Come on, I'll give you a ride. Your school is near the hospital."


Cyn climbed out of the convertible, closing the door behind her.

"Now, remember I'll be back to pick you up at around 10:30. Got it?" V asked, pushing her sunglasses up.

Cyn nodded, her antenna swaying from side to side. "Get better, Big Brother!" she called as she ran, earning an incredibly weak looking thumbs up from N before him and V sped off down the road. Cyn sighed and she walked into the school.

Okay, if I was my brother, where would my homeroom be? She asked herself. She ran up several flights of stairs and checked the class lists for his name.

After a little bit of searching, she was knocked out of her intense thinking by a girl talking to her. "Hey, pigtails," a female voice said above her. The girl tapped her in the head and Cyn looked up at her. The girl who was desperately trying to get her attention was none other than popular cheerleader, Lizzy. Here she was, blonde hair tied into a high ponytail with a pink bow with her cheerleading uniform on. "You're Cynthia Elliot, right?" Cyn nodded. "Fantastic, I need a favor. I need you to get your brother to get with my fri-"

"My brother's not here today," Cyn said simply.

Lizzy blinked at her. "Well, where is he?"

"At the hospital."

"The hospital-" Lizzy began before pausing. "You know what, what are you on the 11th grade floor for?"

"I'm looking for my brother's classroom. I need to get his paperwork for the day," Cyn chirped.

"Well, tell you what? I'll bring you to my classroom and you grab your brother's work. We're in the same class so it shouldn't be too difficult," Lizzy said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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