Chapter IV - Sympathy

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The cold and peaceful breeze of the September evening surrounded N as he ran. His sister approached, toying with him.

N looked around and noticed a children's playground ahead. He turned his head, peeking over his shoulder to see where the Angel of Death was. When he couldn't find her, he quickly slid into a small box that held up the slides of the playground.

He took a minute to breath, peering through one of the many holes to view from.

In the distance, the Angel of Death approached, holding a large battle axe. Her large wings slowly emerged from her back. N covered his mouth and pulled his legs to his chest.

"Give up, N," her cold voice said, making sure to press venom into every word.

N was about to respond when his attention was directed to a bark. It sounded young, a puppy. His visible eye widened and he looked around for the puppy, his eyes landing on a small golden retriever. A small smile spread across his face and he slowly stood, trying to get the small puppy.

Only for the Angel of Death's axe to slice his hand, making him scream in pain. The burning sensation from the cut shot through him, yellow blood pouring out. He turned, following the axe with his eyes.

The axe returned to the Angel of Death, her deep golden eyes shooting daggers at him. Her silver hair blowing in the wind. "You can't win this imaginary fight, N," she pressed, spinning her axe and getting ready to throw it again. "And you know the power I hold over you."

"But yet, you know exactly what will happen if I come with you," N protested, pressing his thumb against one of his teeth, drawing blood. The blood quickly turned into a large sword that stabbed into the ground, it resembled the sun, golden blade with yellow and orange handle. He picked it up and raised it as if to challenge her. "And do you wish to beg?"

The Angel of Death's eyes widened before she smirked. "Do your worst, N," she snickered. "See just how powerful your attacks are."

N smirked and jumped up, preparing to slice right through her. Instead, a barrier surrounded her and pushed him back. He smacked into a rock and fell to the ground, sword blade shattering and falling to the ground.

"Whatever Cyn got you into, this has to stop," the Angel of Death said, walking over to N and kneeling to his level. "This isn't healthy. And I think you know that too."

N's visible eye narrowed and he looked up at the Angel of Death, taking in her features. Just before she knocked him out cold.


Uzi groaned and turned over, feeling water spray onto her face. She tried to wipe it off, however more came. She slowly opened her eyes and straightened her hand, knocking the person who was spraying her on the top of the head.

The water stopped and a small 'ow' escaped Niko. He rubbed his already bruised forehead and covered it with his bangs.

"Niko, what are you-" Uzi started before her eyes widened. Niko was in her room. Why was he in her room!? "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN HERE, YOU PERV! " she shrieked, shooting out of her bed and pushing him outside her window.

Niko groaned as he slammed into the railing of Uzi's balcony. "It's N," he muttered.

Uzi picked up the thing he was spraying her with. It was a metal watering can with a sprayer to spray the water rather than pour it. She slipped through her window and knelt down to Niko's level. "What exactly were you doing in my room? You do know that it's incredibly creepy for a boy to be in a girl's room without their consent, right?"

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