Chapter III - Differences

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"I'm terribly sorry but we cannot represent a group with your subject, " their English teacher said. "Try the Home Economics teacher."

Niko and Uzi said their thank you's and left. That was the fifth no they've gotten in the past free period they both had. The two sighed in sync and Niko crossed off their teacher's name off the list. "Okay, so in conclusion, there's only one person left we can ask."

"And who's that? Jesus Christ himself?" Uzi asked.

"Sadly no," Niko said. "The drama teacher."

Oh yes. We completely forgot to mention. Niko and Uzi's drama teacher was absolutely insane. Uzi always joked that her and Niko would get along lovely.

Uzi groaned into her hands. "You're asking, not me."

The two walked down to the gym and opened the double doors. Niko immediately got smacked in the face with a volleyball by Thad.

He screamed in pain and held his face, blood flowing from his nose.

Thad rushed over and started apologizing profusely. "Holy hell, I'm so sorry, N and M's. I didn't mean to-"

Niko waved his hand in the air but continued to hold his face. "Nah, it's okay. Some tissues would be nice though."

Thad quickly ran off to the male washroom while Uzi helped Niko get up and over to the stage to keep his wound elevated. "I think my solver protection stopped working," Niko mumbled into his hand.

"Probably because you didn't call on it in time, idiot," Uzi chuckled, holding the back of his head.

Niko gasped hopefully. "You do remember, Uzi," he exclaimed. "My strategies are working."

Uzi's eyes narrowed and she was going to pull on his antenna (which was swaying side to side happily) but she didn't want to put him in more pain.

"Sure it is, Buddy. Sure it is," she smiled.

Niko sighed contently. "You know, if I wasn't in pain and feeling like I'm about to pass out. I would hug you."

"And I would push you to pull on your antenna until it breaks," Uzi countered with a smirk. Though, the thought of Niko hugging her didn't leave her mind.

Thad returned shortly after with some paper towel and tore some off for Niko. He gladly took them and placed them under his nose, slowly tipping his head down. As he did this, Rebecca ran over to them, hands fanning herself. "I heard the scream and the drama students wanted to know what happened. Is everyone oka-" she gasped loudly when she noticed Niko. "Oh my god! What happened to you? Do you need to go to the Nurse's office? I can walk you there if you wan-"

"I think he'll be alright, Rebecca," Thad interrupted. "So, run back to drama and tell everyone everything is okay."

Rebecca flicked her bright blue hair and scoffed. " Fine , but I have cheerleading practice after school. Maybe you'll want to stop by, cutie," she flirted, making Uzi flinch and cringe.

Niko simply sat there, completely oblivious to what Rebecca had just told him due to being light headed from his nosebleed.


Drama can be many things, whether that be the art of theater or something told around the lunch table mainly by teenage girls. Drama can also mean being overdramatic if you refer to it as a 'drama queen'. But, there's one thing that drama never is. And that's honest. Drama must be started from somewhere, whether that be at a rumor or a script. All drama is is copy pasted fact that has been slightly altered. But, almost nobody knows who has the original.

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