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You Ryan and just are lounging around in the kitchen you sitting on the counter Ryan between you legs and Justin laying on the counter.

"So cheesey" you smile taking a bite into a cheeto puff Ryan giggles at your high cute behavior. "You so cute" he smiles kissing your cheek you take your clean hand pulling him in for a kiss. "Ughh" Justin says leaving the room.

You guys finally pull away looking at each other deeply "im...done with reginold" you smile. Ryan doesn't show any emotion but he does pull you in for another kiss "get a room" you guys turn your heads it's oli.

You shy away from his stare but you do notice Reggie come in behind him putting a hand on his waist whispering something. "Does oli not like me" you say "no...well I don't know" Ryan shrugs sqeezing one of your thighs.

"I feel I'm overstating my welcome" your lips turn upside down "well obviously not if Justin wants you to move in" Ryan chuckles. "What about you?" You look Ryan in the eyes "mm that'd be nice" he smirks tucking your hair behind your ear.

"I bet it would" you say pulling him closer by his pants "house meeting!" Kane yells. Ryan sighs a bit aggressive before helping you off the counter.


"Okay so I have noticed we've all taken a liking to y/n" Kane clasp his hand together smiling and oli coughs.  "Most of us and it has been brought to my attention that someone suggest she should move in" he adds.

Oli shoots up out his seat "I'm the leader and I object" you curl up your legs to your chest tighter. "Well you usually say majority rules soo" Kane plays with his fingers.

"All in favor?, I or nay" mostly everyone say I except oli and Reggie but that's because oli nudged him. "Thank you guys but I don't wanna make anyone uncomfortable" you smile shyly.

"Then don't stay" oli mumbles "she stay that is final we all know why your being a dick to her so cut it out" sebastion stands up. Oli rolls his eyes heading upstairs and you leave towards the door.

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