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"Just like that mamas" Ryan says as he starts pushing my head further you hallow your cheeks taking it all in gagging a bit. Ryan starts getting closer to his release gripping your hair more tightly as he slightly fucks your face.

"Be a good girl and swallow" Ryan groans before shooting down your throat. You did as told and swallowed he lazily smiles at you caressing your face.

"You look so pretty all fucked out" he takes your hand pulling your up and leading you back to the bedroom.


"Soo y/n what was wrong with Ryan I see he came with us to eat" Darren smirks Ryan kicks him under the table. "Uh he was just a little....uh jelly" you lie Darren nods like he was just so proud of the answer.

"Eat your sushi and hush" Ryan says before shoving a roll in his own mouth. Darren laughs "okay now that there is no tension in the air how we feeling about living stich?"

"I say she stays" Kane shrugs showing his cute gummy smile. "Uh yea she can" Reggie mumbles "I agree" oli says. "Speaking of living stitch ty says we're moving soon" seb looks at oli in question.

Oli nods "were looking and now we have a newcomer I can look into another room" he takes a bite of sushi.(idk what else comes wit sushi)

"Maybe in a week or two" he adds "okay then!" Seb clasp his hands over his stomach "I'm full and ready to diveee innn my bed". "Ugh shut up your so not trey songzz" you giggle.

It's 4:00 a.m your in the kitchen sitting on the island on your phone rolling up. "I need friends" you tilt your head to the side with a lil huff. Before heading outside you grab Ryan's computer.

You head outside and sit on the hammock and light the blunt heading on omegle. "Omg your so pretty!" A girl tells you "thanks you are as well" you laugh.

"You seem young how old are you" you smile taking in the complement "I'm 22, 23 in two days" you smile. "Oh I'm 16" your lips fall into a fine line before sneakily skipping.

The screen loads and then you see something you'd like to un see you shut the laptop fast. "Watching porn out here?" You look up to see Reggie.

"No" you smile "it's okay if you are I could help no?" Reggie caresses your thigh you move his hand "I'm with Ryan...we're offical" you mumble. "He didn't care before?" Reggie leans back onto the hammock.

"That's before you and oli happend" you play with your fingers "well I am bi so I still enjoy your...looks" Reggie tries to make eye contact but you keep your head straight.

"So my body? Wow" you act hurt knowing that's how the situationship started. "I'm gonna head back to ryan" you put out your blunt taking the laptop with you leaving your phone.

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