𝖨 𝖳𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝖸𝗈𝗎 𝖯𝖺𝗋𝗍 1 - Matt Sturniolo

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Summary: Matt has surgery to repair a tendon in his ankle. Nick and Chris are there the entire time to comfort him. Heavy on the hurt, heavier on the comfort. 

This is going to be several chapters my loves... 

Cowriter: Emmypaige9147

Emmy and I broke up this story and shared the writing process and what an incredibly fun process it was!! 

Words: 2009

♡ Rain splattered against Matt's bedroom window and trickled down the glass. His blinds were open and Chris followed the raindrops as they raced down to the bottom. Chris had decided to temporarily break his pattern of sleeping in Nick's room in favour of sleeping with Matt instead. His presence was welcomed with open arms by Matt the previous night. He'd woken up earlier than usual this morning and now he was laying awake watching the sunrise light peek through his brother's window.

Chris had decided to sleep with Matt as he figured the older could use the comfort before his surgery. It was a routine ankle surgery scheduled this afternoon. Chris knew Matt must be feeling the anxiety of it all at this point. It would be the middle triplet's first major surgery as an adult. He'd been accident prone as a child leading to more than a few minor procedures, including the treatment of an intense head wound he'd sustained from a golf club injury. But in recent years he'd been lucky in avoiding trips to the hospital.

They'd first been informed of the recommendation when Matt visited the walk-in clinic about his ankle pain a few weeks ago. He'd hurt his ankle during their time at the zoo, tripping over an unmarked pothole, and he'd been experiencing ankle pain ever since. At the clinic, after a couple uncomfortable x-rays, the nurse brought in the doctor. They delivered their diagnosis of tendinitis caused by the injury at the zoo. Considering the lengthy presence of pain, the Doctor suggested surgery. A simple procedure he'd quoted to Matt, and Nick, who was in the room. At the time, the older man explained he would book Matt in for surgery in a few weeks and now that day was here.

When Matt and Nick left the original appointment several weeks ago, they informed Chris, who had been waiting in the car. The youngest didn't show his true emotion when they told him Matt would need surgery. He was nervous for Matt but made a point not to show it. He promised himself he'd be stronger for the older, Matt would need him to be. The three didn't talk about it after that. They went about their regular routine for the next couple weeks. That was until the night before the surgery date, when Chris snuck into Matt's bed to sleep with him. It was largely for Matt's benefit, Chris wanted to be there for him, but of course Chris was also motivated by his constant need to be near the older.

Matt didn't talk to Chris at all throughout the night. He'd welcomed him into the bed and accepted Chris sleeping beside him but that was the extent of their interaction. Chris was hoping once he woke Matt up that he would open up more about how he was feeling.

"Morning Matty, are you awake?" Chris turned over to face his brother. He was getting antsy being the only one awake.

"No," Matt mumbled grumpily.

"Okay well you're talking to me and I know you don't sleep talk," Chris smirked. 

There was a silence that fell over the room as Chris waited for an answer.

"Matty? Are you getting up? How are you feeling about today?" he questioned, "Matttt," he drew out the name in a dramatized whine.

"Oh my god, I'm up, I'm up, my god," Matt whipped the blankets off of his body and got out of the bed. He exited the room before Chris could say anything else.

𝖢𝗈-𝖶𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗇 𝖮𝗇𝖾-𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗍𝗌 𝖬𝗎𝗅𝗍𝗂 𝖥𝖺𝗇𝖽𝗈𝗆𝗌 ♡Where stories live. Discover now