𝖨 𝖳𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝖸𝗈𝗎 𝖯𝖺𝗋𝗍 4 - 𝖬𝖺𝗍𝗍 𝖲𝗍𝗎𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗈𝗅𝗈

232 13 61

My darlings, my besties, my lovers, my evergreen group of friends, Emmypaige9147 and I give you Part 4 !! <3 xx

To say I've enjoyed my time writing with Emmy would be an understatement. This girl right here Emmypaige9147 is so talented, kind, funny, and such a beautiful soul. Props to her for the entirety of this story prompt! Kudos times a million to my girl Emmy.

Summary: Matt has surgery to repair a tendon in his ankle. Nick and Chris are there the entire time to comfort him. Heavy on the hurt, heavier on the comfort. Matt is having some serious pain in the middle of the night again and Chris is there to comfort him, Nick has a side quest mental breakdown. Happy ending this time (it's true. swear. scout's honour) xx

Words: 1944

Recap from Part 3: Chris woke up to his brother's sounds of discomfort. Before the younger could react Matt started to toss around in the bed. He rolled his head from side to side on the pillow, pressing his face into it to silence his cries of pain.

♡ "Chrissss, fuck it hurts, it hurts really bad again," Matt was mumbling, in attempt to stop himself from crying he was suppressing his words.

"Okay, okay, it'll get you more medicine okay one minute," Chris stuttered. There was a quiver in his voice when he spoke.

"Okay, fuck okay," Matt pushed his head into the pillow, "please hurry!" he shouted accidentally doing so a little too close to Chris' face.

Chris ran out of the room, feeling guilty for leaving Matt crying alone but he had to wake his older brother. He rushed over to where Nick laid on the couch, a lone fleece blanket covering half his body.

"Nick, nick, nick, I need you," Chris' voice was laced with desperation.

"Chris what's wrong, what's going on?" Nick opened his eyes.

"Matt, he needs more meds. He's crying Nick, I-" Chris was chewing at his nail beds.

"Okay, okay," Nick shot up from the couch and pushed Chris back in the direction of Matt's bedroom. He gently led the youngest by a hand on the small of his back.

When the two triplets entered Matt's room, the middle was curled into his side. His head pushed into his pillow hiding his face, but it didn't silence his cries. The room echoed with his sobs. 

"Hurts Chris, it really hurts," Matt was in tears from the pain, he wanted to jump out of his skin.

"I'm so sorry," Chris laid back down in the bed and pulled his brother into a hug, trying to soothe him.

Chris mimicked the way Matt would comfort him when he's upset, running his hand through Matt's fluffy brown curls. Petting through the strands, Chris held Matt in a secure hug. He was mindful of where Matt's ankle laid beneath the covers, fearful of hitting it with his own even if it was engulfed in a cast.

"It's gunna be okay Matty, Nick's getting your medicine okay?" Chris made a noticeable effort to sound stoic and strong as he watched Nick run out of the room again to grab Matt's medication. Matt's cries were breaking his heart, piece by piece. 

Nick's face held a panicked look when he entered Matt's doorway again. His breathing was heavy enough Chris could've been convinced he ran a marathon. The oldest had several medication bottles in tow. In his rush to get to Matt he dropped one of the floor - he huffed and picked it back up. Hurrying over to Matt, who was still moaning in pain, he placed all the medications on the bed. From his pajama pants pocket he pulled out a piece of paper. He unfolded the crinkled paper and a puzzled expression crossed his face.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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