𝖨 𝖳𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝖸𝗈𝗎 𝖯𝖺𝗋𝗍 2 - Matt Sturniolo

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Hi my loves, Emmy and I LOVEEE that y'all enjoyed part one! We were both so incredibly happy to share this story! Here is Part 2! 

Co-writer: Emmypaige9147

Summary: Matt has surgery to repair a tendon in his ankle. Nick and Chris are there the entire time to comfort him. Heavy on the hurt, heavier on the comfort. Chris is upset. Matt wakes up from surgery and asks for his brothers. Matt also experiences some intense pain. 

Words: 1507

Recap from part one: "I'm sorry, I'm just nervous, I'm a sympathy crier, you know that."

♡ "Oh believe me, I know you are," Nick had Chris wrapped in a hug, their backpacks and phones awkwardly held in their hands while they held each other.

Nick pulled away from the hug sooner than he wanted to, "let's go to the waiting room so we can put this stuff down okay?" Nick used a sympathetic tone with the younger.

Chris wiped the stray tears from his cheeks, rubbing at his eyes to erase the evidence of his intense emotions - although the action incidentally made his face more red. The two brothers made their way around the corner to the waiting room area. The walls were lined with chairs, some sets of two and others three. All the seats were empty, given it was early morning, it wasn't a surprise nobody else was there.

"I guess the two chairs over there will do," Nick pointed to a pair against the far wall.

An unsettling aura washed over Chris' body. Starting from his head and following down to his toes. Usually, they'd be occupying the three seat option - Chris in the middle of his two older brothers. As he sat down with Nick, in one of the two attached chairs, it felt unnatural. He hated that Matt wasn't there. It wasn't right. The unsettled feeling transformed into the familiar feeling of anxiety.

Chris' chest tightened when he felt the dull ache in the pit of his stomach. The anxiety was spreading all over his body. He felt the agonizing pain in his belly as the anxiety nestled in. His chest tightened more, stalling his airflow and shortening his inhales. The lack of breathing made his head dizzy. Worst case scenarios played out in his mind involuntarily - what if something went wrong? He couldn't be without Matt. He needed Matt. He needed his brother.

"Hey, hey, don't think like that okay?" Nick shocked the youngest with his words. Chris didn't understand how Nick was so easily dialled into his thoughts.

Chris was too far immersed in his increasing panic he'd failed to see the scene he was creating. Nick was quick to help him settle. The oldest slid Chris over, shuffling the younger closer to him.

"It's all okay, c'mere, lay your head on me and just breathe," Nick encouraged.

There was an unmoving armrest in between the two but it didn't stop Nick from positioning the youngest into a hug. He had his left arm on the armrest and led Chris' head onto his shoulder. Chris' obliged and rested himself into Nick's body. Chris had hooked his own arm under his brother's and held Nick's bicep in a hug like he was holding it hostage. He closed his eyes and continued to rest his head on Nick's shoulder.

"That's it sweetheart," Nick spoke directly into Chris' ear, his voice slow and soft, "just breathe, everything's okay, Matty's okay, we're okay," Nick repeated himself several more times until he was sure he broke through Chris' anxious mind.

Eventually, Chris fell asleep on his brother. Nick spent his time providing their parents with updates and scrolling his socials out of boredom. A couple individuals trickled in and out of the waiting room and Nick couldn't help eavesdropping to pass his time. He made conversation with an elderly couple for a while as the woman had commented on how Chris was sleeping and asked if he and Nick were twins. He'd given his usual explanation, well rehearsed at this point, and she naturally had follow up questions. Soon, a nurse came in and interrupted their conversation. She announced Matt was ready to see them.

𝖢𝗈-𝖶𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗇 𝖮𝗇𝖾-𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗍𝗌 𝖬𝗎𝗅𝗍𝗂 𝖥𝖺𝗇𝖽𝗈𝗆𝗌 ♡Where stories live. Discover now