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"what ?! who from kiatniran ?!"

wren shouted so loud and that make parker need to pull him back to sit. parker apologies to all the people nearby because of wren's behavior in public.

"come on phi, no need to shouting like that. we are in public and we share this with everyone"

wren let out a rough sigh and folded his arms to his chest while glaring at parker. parker smile softly then pinched his cheeks.

"ahhhh phi wren i miss you so much that i could have died !"

"well, did you though ?"

wren eyeing parker from his head to his toes then rolled his eyes at him. parker just smiled at him and his behavior. wren still got the same natural pinkish cheeks, plump lips, narrow sharp eyes and those freckles decorating his face.

"phi, how can you look even more beautiful than before ?"

"wh- what are you talking about ? nonsense ! now you want to explain yourself or not ?"

"you want to hear mine ? you ready ? it's not heavy for me but i am not sure about you"

"it can't be that bad, come on"

"yeah yeah ugh ! why you so cute ? i feel like eating you right now"

wren pushing parker's face away from him to hide his blush. of course he miss the younger too, parker is one of the color that brightens his life.

parker took both of wren's hands together and put them on his laps. he smile softly then ruffles wren's hair.

"phi i miss you so much, did you know ? i went crazy when they said that you suddenly dropped off as our librarian. you know ? i was like, that can't be real, because you promised me that you won't disappear on me so i slam the table and pushed everything on it to the floor. i was so mad like i am going crazy. i went searched for you everywhere, everytime, until my dad hit me because i failed the exam. until one day, allan offered to help me find you but he told me to catch up everything i failed and i left behind. so i did, and it turned out he bring me to you, no, allan bring you to me. phi, this time i want you to keep your promise to me, can you ? did the promise to heavy for you ? want to change the terms ?"

wren just silent while staring into parker's face. he can see that the younger had a pair of dark circles under his eyes, his hair is a bit mess which it so unusual for him, he even wear different colors of stockings but wren let him be. he reach out his hands and softly rubbed parker's head then smile.

"must be so hard for you, i am sorry parker, i shouldn't disappeared on you like that. you did nothing wrong, your emotion is valid, your angry is valid, your frustration is valid. let people judges you, but me, i promise, even if it's mean the world against you, i will be the one who held your hand and stand right by your side proudly. parker, can we try again ? but this time, let me do the moves can i ? i want you to stay, so i need to give my efforts to right ? it's okay if you don't want me to be right by your side, i can leave if you w—"
"what are talking about ?! even if i die i want you the one to keep my ashes till the end of your life"

wren smiled then grabbed parker's head and down for a deep kiss. that was the kiss of love, parker accepted it and lead the kiss. they love each other now, who cares about pass when their love right now is more than anything.


skyler is destroying the office room for letting out his frustrations after hearing what wade told him. wade using all his energy to stop his fiance goes for any more level of rage. skyler is someone who keep everything inside but when he is with someone he comfortable, he just be himself.

skyler throwing, smashing, pushing out, and stomping on everything in the office room.

"baby, please i beg you please stop. i don't work for months, i don't have money to pay all this things back so please stop whatever you doing now, okay ?"

skyler stop then turned to look at wade with his anger expression. he trying to calm his anger and control back his breathing.

"you disappeared on me ! and now you expect me to act all calm like nothing happened ? i searched for you everywhere ! i am going crazy ! i almost lost my job ! i almost lost my mind ! i really thought you take advantage on me since i accepted your proposal that day ! i feel like a fucking fool ! what do you think of me ? what do you think of me wade !"

skyler hitting wade while screaming his lungs out, he is so frustrated. he keeps everything inside, he didn't let his rage out when he found wren for the first time. at the first glance he caught there is something wrong about wren that time.

wade and wren got exactly the same faces but their behavior ? totally different. even the way they speak, dress up and do things are different.

"i know baby, i am sorry. i got shot that day, that was so bad that i was actually dead, like my heart stop beating for 5 minutes during the surgery. many things happened but right now i am here, look i am here standing right front of you alove and sound and i still love you like the way i am back then, no, i love you even more now"

skyler cry more and more until he exhausted and dropped on the floor because of dehydration and stress. wade pick him up then walk out from the room, on his way out from the building he bump into allan, mick and polly.

"sorry the room is a bit mess"

"no worries phi, go bring your lover to hospital he looks so bad right now"


"and how is this a bit ?"

allan sigh them took out his phone and call someone to take care of the office room. mick and polly just keep their mouth shut because the whole room was a real mess. everything are not in place, most of the things are scattered on the ground, even the couch move from the way it was before.

"sky is a real deal though"

"i agree, never mess with him babe. i don't have any strength to clean this kind of mess"

mick nodded.

p/s : since today is my birthday and i love parkerwren so i give some of their silly lovely moments.

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