Chapter Three

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Rosalie sold her father and uncle's horse. It was hard for her to say goodbye, and she felt pathetic as she handed the reins over to Dutch and asked if he would speak to the stableboy in her place. She couldn't bear to be the one to sell them off. It would hurt too much, losing a part of them just for some cash in her pocket.

It was what she had to do, though. There was no way she could keep all three horses, and she needed the money. All she had now was the cash she had taken from Tommy, the shopkeeper boy, and the few dollars in her father's pocket. She had maybe thirty dollars from themâ€"if that.

Rosalie was surprised by the kindness of this man, as Dutch had nodded his head and sold off the horses without as much of a protest or question after her request. He had given her the full amount of cash from selling the mares too. Rosalie had watched him take the cash from the stableboy and walk it straight over to her, pressing it into her palm with a pat on the shoulder.

At least now she had a little more money. At least $250. She imagined the horses would have sold for a much better price in a larger town, but they couldn't afford to bring the horses that far. Dutch must have cut the stableboy a deal.

Rosalie would be lying if she said she didn't expect Dutch to steal the money. She had prepared herself for him to sell off her father and uncle's horse only to deposit the money into his pocket. But he didn't.

Maybe she really could trust him. If he wanted to steal from her, he would have done it already.

After selling the horses, she pulled herself into the saddle of her horse, Blitz, and followed after Dutch to the supposed camp he shared with his friends.

Little words were exchanged between them as they rode through the valley. The grass swayed in the wind, the sound of rabbits scampering along the trail and deer in the treeline filling the silence between them.

Rosalie hadn't let her guard down fully. She knew it would be stupid of her to. For all she knew, he could be leading her into the trees away from prying eyes to murder her and take what little money she had. Or worse, have his way with her and then proceed with the murdering part.

Rosalie shifted in her saddle, suddenly alarmed by the anxious thoughts running through her head. Her hand dropped to the revolver strapped to her side, one hand still holding onto the reins as she watched Dutch trot ahead on his white mare.

If he did try to do anything, she would be ready. She refused to let herself be caught off guard.

But Dutch didn't pull anything on her. He stayed true to his word, and after about a half hour of leisurely riding, he led her into a small clearing just off the river. The running water was loud as it rushed over the rocks downstream. Birds chirped.

Three small tents were propped up in the clearing. A fire spit was in the center, steady smoke drifting from it as an older man roasted something over the orange flames. Two horses were hitched to a nearby tree, grazing the grass. A young man sat on a log beside the fire, a knife in his hand as he skinned a rabbit.

The two men looked up as she and Dutch made their way into the clearing. The older man blinked at her slowly, before getting to his feet and walking over.

"Dutch, I didn't know uh… that you would be bringing a friend back with you," Commented the man, raising a hand in Rosalie's direction as he neared the two.

"Hosea, let me have a word with you for a moment." Dutch swung himself off his horse. He gave Rosalie a firm nod, before wrapping an arm around the older man's shoulder and leading him away.

Rosalie sat perched on Blitz, her heart heavy in her chest as she watched them retreat with hushed conversation.

She could tell the older man, Hosea, was surprised by her presence. She could imagine why. Dutch shows up with Rosalie in tow, her frame bloody, battered, and dirty. She didn't have the chance to clean up, so she probably looked like a wild dog. The thought of appearing presentable hadn't even crossed her mind.

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