Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Here is the money I promised you, Mr. Van Der Linde," Charlie said, handing Dutch a thick envelope of cash.

They sat in the living room, reminiscent of the night they protected the cigar cellar from the O'Driscolls attack. The memory made Rosalie bite her lip to prevent herself from grinning, thinking of how George had sat up and looked around wildly like he came out of a coma, with his hair a mess, and tie hanging off his neck at the sound of them entering the room. The poor guy didn't stand a chance in his halfway asleep daze.

Though George wasn't here now. He was expected to be arriving soon with Louis as they were out for lunch.

Rosalie sat on the loveseat beside Dutch and Hosea, her grandfather to their right. She sat closest to him. He wore a white shirt, the sleeves rolled to his elbows, and a deep green vest with silver buttons.

Her grandfather patted Rosalie's leg. "I thank you all for the effort you put into getting rid of Forswood... I can't believe the man would resort to such slimy tactics..." He sighed and shook his head. "Destroying my cellar... insane."

"Well, we are glad to be of service to you, Mr. Montgomery," Dutch said with a polite nod.

"I'm sure you like the money even more," Charlie said with a raised brow, pouring himself a glass of brandy.

Rosalie snorted, still unable to believe the smart mouth he had on him sometimes.

Dutch only smiled at Charlie painfully, though Rosalie could tell the comment unnerved him, and he wasn't sure how he was supposed to respond to that politely. Hosea gave Dutch a sideways look, but didn't say anything outright.

Charlie sipped at the rim of his glass, then raised it toward Dutch. "Regardless, I thank you for your efforts and for keeping my granddaughter safe..." He glanced at Rosalie. "Although I wish she were staying here, I know she'll be in good hands with a gentleman like you."

Rosalie smiled at him and touched his elbow. "You know I would only embarrass myself, and you by sticking around here, Grandfather." She gave him a teasing grin. "The garden party made me look like a fool enough."

Charlie snorted. "Well, George certainly didn't think so. He still proposed to you, did he not?" He asked with a raised brow.

Rosalie flushed and looked away. "Alright, I think that's the brandy talking." She muttered, not wanting to think about how George had bared his heart on his sleeve to her and she turned him down.

Charlie chuckled, thinking her blush to be from her feelings for George, but before he could get another word in, the door opened.

George walked inside first, taking his hat off and flashing Rosalie a smile in the doorway. She returned it eagerly, glad to see him for the first time in a while, despite her grandfather's teasing only a moment ago.

Louis trailed in after him and walked around George, heading to their grandfather. He took one of the glasses from the tray on the polished, cherry wood coffee table, and poured himself a cup of brandy. He sipped the glass with his hand in his pocket.

"So, Grandfather says you're leaving?" Louis said, looking at Rosalie.

Rosalie nodded. "Yeah, tomorrow I think."

George's smile faded from where he stood in the doorway at her answer. He fidgeted with his hat, looking off to the side in an attempt to hide his dismay.

Louis's perceptive gaze drifted to George, who was doing his best to seem occupied with his hat, before returning to Rosalie. She blinked up at him from the couch with big brown eyes, and Louis gave her a warm, small smile.

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