Chapter Twenty-Three

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Rosalie sat by the campfire, holding the gold and emerald ring George gave her two days ago. She hadn't seen him since then, since neither she nor he had asked to speak. He was true to his word about giving her space to think. Even with the extra time she had no idea what to do with his proposal.

George was a good man. There was no doubt about that. She enjoyed his company, and he had been nothing but kind to her. He got along with her family... well, her mother's family... and he always went out of his way to make her feel comfortable. That was more than a lot of women could ask for. Many women her age married men for economic purposes, and were stuck with men who treated them poorly or simply like a roommate. She knew if she married George, he would treat her well, and they would enjoy their time together.

But did she love him?

Rosalie grimaced, staring down at the ring.

George was one for surprises, that was for certain.

"That's a mighty fine ring you got there," Hosea said with a deep sigh, easing himself onto the log she leaned against.

Rosalie sat on the ground with her back against the log, one knee kicked up and the other stretched out in front of her. She grimaced at Hosea's comment, throwing her arm over her knee. "Yeah, it is." She agreed.

The crackling fire filled the silence.

John was snoring in his shared tent with Arthur. Once again, Arthur wasn't at camp, probably off with Mary. Not that it even mattered too much. If Rosalie thought too long about what Arthur was up to with Mary she was sure to throw up.

"George asked me to marry him," Rosalie said suddenly, her gaze still trained on the ring.

Hosea raised a brow. "Oh?"

"I don't know what I'm going to do," Rosalie confessed, spinning the ring between her fingers. "I... I don't know. He's a good man, but I didn't expect him to ask me. He said he wanted me to stay here, and build a life with him. That he would take care of me. But I... I just don't know."

"Ah, you're considering marrying him for his money, is that it?" Hosea asked with a small, teasing smile.

Rosalie snorted. "If only it was that. Would make it easier if I was a greedy, angry woman who would marry him just for the high society life." She frowned. "He's a good man."

Hosea let out a deep sigh and placed his hand on his knee, rubbing it out. His brows knit in thought, the fine lines in his face wrinkling. "Well, I think if you choose to marry this man, it would be a good opportunity for you. A comfortable life, but that's only if you want one. I married a woman I loved a long, long time ago, and our marriage was a stressful one, despite the love we had for each other. It was mostly due to my stubbornness, and how I couldn't sit still. Bessie knew that I needed somethin' more, and I couldn't be contained to the house n' live a normal life. And I... reckon you are the same way." He said, glancing at her

Rosalie frowned, mulling over his words.

It was the same concept Rosalie had considered before when she discussed marriage with Isabella. The homemaker life was not something Rosalie was built for. She had never lived in a stable home, so to do so now would feel... strange. She liked to be free to go where she wanted when she wanted. If she married into the high society life, she knew she would have to give it up. There would be certain responsibilities a wealthy woman would have to take on, such as attending expensive parties or meeting with the wives of George's various business partners.

"I think it's also important to consider if you love this man," Hosea added. "It ain't the 1840s anymore. You're also in a different position than most women, as you're not livin' with a father who pawns you off to a family for economic purposes. If you wanna marry someone, it'll be because you chose to. I would advise you to marry him only if you love him."

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