Chapter Nineteen

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If there was anything Rosalie expected to see the next morning, it was not Arthur riding in on Boadicea with a woman saddled behind him.

It was a serene day too. Rosalie sat outside her tent and combed her hair, picking out the knots and tangles with a careful hand before she went with John to rob a stagecoach.

The thick Louisiana heat was not kind to her curls, making them wilder and poofier than usual. Today was what she would consider a bad hair day; truthfully, it was one of those rare days when she wished she were bald. Her hair was irritating her, but it was still what she would consider a decent morning.

Nothing terrible enough to ruin the rest of her day. But... watching Arthur ride into camp with a woman? Nothing prepared her for that.

"Now who... is that?" Dutch asked aloud, standing from where he sat by the fire, poetry book in hand.

"I'll be damned," Hosea hummed, raising a brow as Arthur slid off his horse and held his arms out to guide the woman off Boadicea gently. "The fool brought a woman with him. He brought her here." He said, sharing a look with Dutch.

Susan grimaced and shot a look in Rosalie's direction as if she could already tell what was running through her mind.

Rosalie paused her combing at the sight of them, her blood running cold as he led her over by the hand. She couldn't help it as her eyes narrowed and a sour taste filled her mouth.

Once he was close enough and realized he had everyone's attention, Arthur cleared his throat, gesturing to her with the hand that wasn't intertwined with her fingers.

"Everyone... I'd, uh..." Arthur cleared his throat and tilted his head, hiding his face under his hat as his cheeks turned pink. "I'd like you to meet Mary Gillis. I've been, uh, seein' her for some time, and I thought it was only right to bring her around to meet you all," he said.

John came up beside Rosalie and crossed his arms, regarding the pair with a flat look. He was not impressed.

"So that's where he's been, huh?" John grumbled, casting a sideways glance in Rosalie's direction.

"Seems so," Rosalie said, her eyes running over the woman who had been preoccupying Arthur's time for the past couple of weeks.

Mary raised a hand in a polite wave. "Hello, Arthur's told me a lot about you, but all good things, I promise." She smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners.

Rosalie hated to say it, but the woman was beautiful. She had a delicate look to her, eyes soft and dark brown hair plaited down her back. Mary looked like a woman who would catch the attention of every man she passed on the street, especially with her soft voice and dainty appearance.

There was an awkward lull, but Dutch was determined to break it as he walked over to them, his arms outstretched with a friendly smile.

"Welcome, welcome, Miss Gillis! It is a pleasure to meet you," Dutch took her hand in his and gave it a gentle pat, before turning to look at Arthur. "I can see why she's captivated your attention these last few weeks. You are a fine lady, madam." He complimented.

Mary's face lit up in a furious blush. "Oh, I-I–well thank you, you are very kind." She tilted her head to look at him under his hat. "I'm assuming you're Mr. Van Der Linde? I've heard a lot about you from Arthur."

"All good things I hope?" He replied with a grin.

"Oh yes, all good things, don't you worry," Mary reassured as she smiled at him.

Dutch let go of her hand and began walking over to the campfire, beckoning for her to follow with a wave of his hand. "Come, come! Sit with us! I'd like to get to know you, and I'm sure my friend, Hosea, here does too." He said.

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