Lucy And Lisanna

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Hi Guys! Here's A New One Shot. Enjoy! :)

Lucy's Pov

"Lisanna, What are you doing"? I asked. Lisanna was infront of my home eating chocolate. It was kind of weird. 

"Eating chocolate, waiting for you, eating some more chocolate. Here". Lisanna said and She gave me a chocolate bar (Milk Chocolate With Caramel)

"Thanks, what now"? I asked. She moved a little to the side and patted the sidewalk. 

"Come sit". She said casually. I shrugged and sat next to her eating chocolate. We just sat there as people walked by staring at us. I finished my chocolate bar and waited for Lisanna to finish hers. She was taking forever!!!!

~~~2 Minutes Later~~~

I decided to take a nap since it would take Lisanna hours before finishing her bar (Over Exaggerating). Now I shall fall asleep.........Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Lisanna's Pov

I kept eating my chocolate bar, savoring the taste. I looked over at Lucy and saw she fell asleep. "Sometimes I wonder what she thinks, or in this case dreams. Oh well! Thats her dream, not mine"!


Lucy's Pov

"Huh"? I got off the concrete floor and saw it was already night time. "How long was I sleeping? L-Lisanna? Lisanna"!? I looked around for Lisanna, but I couldn't find her. "I guess she went home, she could've woken me up first"! I went inside my apartment, but it looked different. "Why are my walls Orange"? I walked over to the bathroom, but it was really strange. "How did my bathtub get over there? Where did the sink go"!? I yelled. I walked out of the bathroom, confused. I walked into my bedroom. "The window disappeared! My bed is green! My novle is gone! Oh wait, nevermind it's right here. IT'S ALL BLANK"!!! I sulked in the corner. "I worked so hard on that stupid novel for Levy-Chan, and now it's all gone". I heard the door open, I quickly got up and turned around. "Lisanna! Oh thank goodness, What's going on"!? I asked her. Lisanna walked towards me and grabbed my arm. It had weird writting on it, forget the writing! My entire arm is YELLOW! "HOW DID MY ARM TURN FRICKEN YELLOW"! Lisanna rolled up her sleeve. 

'Wait a minute, Lisanna was wearing a T-shirt this morning'. When Lisanna rolled up her sleeve, her entire left arm was red. "Your arm"! Lisanna nodded her head and grabbed my arm. 

"Lucy....". Her voice was suprisingly deep. "We need to go, now". I tilted my head. 

"Where are we going"? I asked Lisanna. Lisanna looked down, I couldn't see her face. 

"Magnolia doesn't want us here, we need to leave. They are sending us somewhere we don't know". Lisanna said. I was so confused that my brain stopped working.

~~~10 Minutes Later~~~

"SPACE"!? I shouted. "They put us on another planet!? Why"? I asked scared. Lisanna walked around the planet, it was creepy. 

"They sent us here, because of our arms. They think it's a contagious disease from the chocolates we ate". Lisanna explained. I stared at my arm, it started to look bumpy. 

"The chocolate? How long did it take for our arms turn like this"? I asked. Lisanna didn't even need to think, somehow she popped up next to me. 

"I dunno, 2 days". Lisanna said. I froze, then "accidently" shouted (Accidently!)

"2 DAYS! I've been alseep for 2 days and you never woke me up"! Lisanna shook her head. 

"I was also asleep for 2 days Larry". Lisanna said. I didn't understand any of this. 

"Wait, did you just call me Larry"? I asked. She giggled and ran.

~~~3 Months Later~~~

"I can't take it anymore! I can't take it anymore"! I yelled. I was on the ground rocking back and forth while Lisanna was next to me doing the same thing, but she was giggling. "I haven't showered, I can't sleep well and there's no one to talk to! I'm all alone with Lisanna, she's doing nothing! Some one help me! My arm is fine"! I whined and sobbed. 

"Hahaha"! Lisanna laughed out loud. I got up and faced Lisanna. 

"Stop laughing! Do you even feel lonely! You don't even look bad! You still have a fresh smell, your hair is fine! Not me! My hair is a mess, I don't smell like Vinilla and Lilac! And! Unlike you, I've been trying to find a way back home"! I argued. She kept laughing, I ran from her and triped on a rock. I then noticed, I could see earthland from here. "What happened to earthland"? It looked so weird, it was black and purple. "No...... 

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo". I screamed dramaticly.


Lucy's Pov

"Uucy! Luuuuuucy! LUCY"! I jumped up from the ground in fright. 

"Lisanna? What the"? I said confused. I looked around, then I jumped on Lisanna. "Lisanna! You called me Lucy"! I shouted, Lisanna squeaked in surprise. I quickly got up and checked my arm. "My arm isn't yellow"! I smiled and looked back at Lisanna. She was in her T-shirt. "Your arm isn't red"! I felt my head and sniffed my shirt. "My hair is fine and I still smell like Vinilla and Lilac"! I checked my surroundings and saw I was infront of my apartment. "Are we in earthland"? I asked. Lisanna grabbed my shoulders and shook me. 

"Lucy! Calm down. We are in earthland, we've been in earthland for our entire lives. Well except for the time when we went to edolas, but besides that, we're in earthland. Are you okay? You seem a little pale". Lisanna asked in worry. I took in a deep breath.

"So it was all a dream? I'm so glad that didn't happen". I said. Lisanna gave me a confused look.

"What? What happened"? Lisanna asked me. I explained my entire dream to her, or at least some parts. I didn't remember all of it (Honestly who remembers their entire dream?). "Wow, that's a freaky dream. How would chocolate give us diseases"? Lisanna asked me and laughed. 

"I dunno, it could be possible". I said shrugging. We laughed and sat down. 

"Sorry if I took to long to eat the chocolate". I held up my hand to shush her. 

"It's okay, how long was I sleeping"? I asked Lisanna. Lisanna thought for a moment. 

"2 days"! Lisanna teased. 

"Lisanna"! I yelled. She laughed and I sighed in frustration. 

"Okay Okay! You were sleeping for an hour". Lisanna said. I wanted to ask her this for a while. 

"When did you finish the chocolate bar"? I asked her. She smiled nervously. 

"Uh, I can't really remember". Lisanna said scratching the back of her neck. I stared at her and knew she was lying. 

"Lisanna.....". I started. She laughed, then sighed knowing I wanted an answer. 

"Okay fine! I finished 5 minutes before waking you up". Lisanna confessed. I laughed and patted her back. 

"Lisanna, it's okay to be a slow eater. So, do we have any chocolate left"? I asked feeling hungry. Lisanna pouted and pulled out her bag. 

"Yea, why are we even talking about this"? Lisanna asked. I shrugged, Lisanna and I sat down and ate more chocolate bars the entire day. It was really good chocolate!

I'm Tired, So No Outro. Bye Guys! :)

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