Be My Fishy Valentine!

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Hey Guys!!!  Hope You All Have A Beautiful And Lovely Valentines Day!

Happy's Pov

"Okay!  What about this"? I asked Natsu.

"It's just another fish Happy". Natsu said bored.

"No! This is a salmon!  The last one was a trout"! I yelled.

"What's the difference?  They're both fish!  You can eat them both"!  Natsu said and sighed.

"Come on Natsu! You said you'll help me find a valentines gift for Charla"! I said.

"Yea, but all you're showing me is fish with a bow on top". Natsu said.

"Is there anything else"!?  I said.

"Yea, like a bunch of things you could give her....Has it ever occured to you that maybe Charla doesn't like fish"?  Natsu asked.  I was shocked.

"Whaaaaa!!?  Everyone likes fish"!  I said.

"Not everyone, have you decided to ask Charla what she actually wants"?  Natsu said.

"It's supposed to be a surprise though"!  I said.

"I know....Just ask her what she likes, not what she wants for valentines day". Natsu said.

".....". I was silent for a moment.  "Since when did you start thinking"? I said dully.

"What"!? Natsu made a serious face.

"Ah Nothing"!!!  I shouted and flew out the door.  "I'll be at the guild where Charla's at"!!!  I shouted to Natsu.

~~~At The Guild (Charla's Pov)~~~

"Hey Charla, do you think the guild will enjoy these"?  Wendy asked while holding a batch of heartshaped cupcakes.

"They look really good!  But don't you need more"?  I asked.

"I made a bunch last night"!  Wendy said proudly. "I asked Elfman, Gray and Juvia to help me carry the rest of the cupcakes!  Juvia even helped bake some cupcakes"! Wendy smiled.

"That's very kind of them!  Where are they"? I asked.

"They're on their way". Wendy said.

~~~ElseWhere With Gray, Juvia And Elfman(Elfman's Pov)~~~

"Come on you two! If you were real man you would be faster"! I yelled.

"Elfman, there's no need to rush". Gray said.

"I think Elfman wants to get back to Evergreen quickly". Juvia said.

"No way! I just don't want to be here with you guys being all lovey dovey"!  I said looking at them accusingly.

"We haven't been lovey dovey at all". Gray said dully, but Juvia blushed and started whispering things.

"You guys might start to"! And as I said that Juvia moved closer to Gray.

"Gray-Sama!!! Juvia baked you these when helping Wendy-San with the cupcakes"!!! Juvia showed Gray a tray full of Gray buns.

"Ah"! Gray shouted as Juvia moved the tray closer to him.

"Try one"!  She yelled.

"No"! Gray said. I just sighed and moved along.

"Lovey dovey couples". I whispered.

~~~Back At The Guild (Charla's Pov)~~~

"Charla"!!!  I heard Happy flying into the guild. I turned around and sighed.

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