The Pillow Fight!

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Hey Guys!!!  This Is The Pillow Fight Part From the Story "A LOVE BLOSSEMS" The Grand Magic Games Pt.2 Who Made It?  The Mystery Group Will Be Unraveled In This One Shot!  I Hope You Will Enjoy It!  :)

Wendy's Pov

"Teams"! Cana said excited.

"I agree! Me and Cana Vs. Lucy and Wendy". Erza-San said.

"This is pillow war"! Lucy-San declared.

"Can we join as well"? Levy-San said.

"Of course you can"! I said.

"Alright, so then....It's Me, Cana, Juvia and Evergreen Vs. Lucy, Wendy, Levy And Lisanna". Erza-San said. We each quickly grabbed a pillow, took our stance and waited till someone did the first move....

"HYYYYAAAAAAHHH"!!!!!!!!!  I yelled and slammed my pillow into Juvias face.

"Ahh"! Juvia shouted in surprise, she wasn't able to block the attack in time and Juvia fell to the ground.

"Juvia"!!!  Erza-San said dramatically and quickly ran to her side.

"Juvia isn't through yet, this is only the beginning"! Juvia said. Lucy-San sighed.

"Well, we did just start". Lucy-San said as Lisanna nodded silently behind her. Then out of no where a pillow was shot into Lucy-Sans stomach.

"Take that! Love-Rival"! Juvia said standing from the ground, after that pillows were thrown, slammed and shot at each other. I could barely process what was going on, I couldn't even dodge a random pillow that was able to hit me.

"Careful Wendy, are you okay"? Lisanna said. Lucy was infront of Lisanna making sure she wasn't getting hit. Lisanna stretched her arm out towards me and took my hand. As she helped me up, the other team was....Well, having communication problems.

"Ah! Watch out Erza!  You almost whacked me with that pillow of yours"! Evergreen said clearly irritating Erza-San. Evergreen had a disgusted face.

"Who put you on this team"? Erza-San said mocking Evergreens expression.

"You did, if you haven't forgotten! Geez, you have such an old lady mind, forgetting everything that happened less than an hour ago". Evergreen insulted.

"That's an insult to old women...". I said quietly. 

"Psst". I turned my head to the one beckoning me, It was Levy-San. She made a gesture saying to come over. I stared at Lucy-San who also looked at Lisanna, we turned back and moved slowly to Levy-San while the other team started having a full on fight full of insults and tiny forehead flicks.

"What is it Levy-San"? I asked. She turned her head over taking one last glance at the other team, she turned back to us and smiled.

"I say...We ambush them". She said.

"Ambush"? Lisanna said confused. We tilted our head, Levy-San giggled a little and told us her plan.

~~~2 Minutes Of Explaining And Fights Between The Other Team~~~

"That sounds like a fun plan Levy-Chan"! Lucy-San said praising Levy-San.

"Thanks Lu-Chan! Now, Quickly, hide"! Levy-San said and started sneaking into position. After everyone got into their places, we had to wait till the fight between Evergreen and Erza-San dispersed.

Erza's Pov

As Evergreen and I were arguing, we didn't realize that the other team was gone.

"Will you guys stop, this has been going on for a while now"! Cana yelled.

"It has been more than 30 minutes, Juvia counted". Juvia said.

"Has it"? Evergreen said facing away from me now.

"Yes, it has". It was silent for a moment before Juvia spoke again. "And the other team is no where to be seen". Juvia said casually.

"What"? I said in disbelief. "They're not here"? I asked, no response.

"Where could they have gone"? Cana said looking around the room for any trace of the other team.

"Are they still even in the building"? Evergreen said looking exhausted. A few moments of silence later, Evergreen went to sit down. But then, she heard a small sound from behind the chair. Evergreen slowly stood up, turned around to face the chair and moved closer to it....Then....

"SURPRISE"!  Levy said as she jumped out from behind the chair and smacked Evergreen with her pillow. After that Lucy jumped out and attacked Cana, Lisanna attacked Juvia and lastly Wendy attacked me from behind. My team was taken down and only I was to blame for not noticing the surprise attack.....Well Evergreen was to blame too.

"We win"! Lisanna said with a proud smile.

"Yay"! Wendy jumped happy that they had won.

"Yup, we did it". Lucy said. "Thanks to Levy-Chan"! Lucy added, Levy was blushing from the compliment Lucy gave her.

"Thanks Lu-Chan! But, It wouldn't have worked if I didn't have some cooperative teammates". Levy grinned.

"Alright alright, you guys won! Can you go to sleep now"? Jellal said poking his head into the room all sleepily.

"Sorry Jellal, we'll head to bed". Erza said.

"Thank you". Jellal said with a sigh, he went back into his room with Romeo (Romeo Is There As Well, He Was The ????).

"Okay then....". Lucy said.

"Round two"? Cana suggested.

"Sure"! Wendy said.  "Should we mix up our teams"? She asked.

"Yea, why not". Levy said.

"Here's the teams"! I said. "Me, Lucy, Lisanna and Juvia Vs. Wendy, Levy, Evergreen and Cana". I announced.

"Finally I'm not on Erzas team". Evergreen said. "I won't lose". 

"Neither will I". I playfully spat back at her.

"Round two!  Begin"!  Charla said from the other room.

"Ahhhhh"!!!  We all yelled.

"SHUT UP AND GO TO BED"! Romeo yelled from the other room.

The End!

Hope You All Enjoyed That One Shot!  Again If You Don't Understand And Are Confused This Is Just A Part From The Story "A LOVE BLOSSEMS" That I Decided To Put In Here As A One Shot Instead Of In The Actual Story. Anyway, Thanks For Reading!  Bye!  :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2016 ⏰

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