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Rosé pov:

I returned to class and was about to take my seat until Taehyung called me.

"You okay?" He asked holding my hand
"How'd you get your clothes so clean?" Taehyung
"Jennie gave me her extra skirt and shirt"

He looked over to Jennie who was focusing on nothing but doing her work.

"Can you let go now?"

He then let go of my hand I sat next to Jennie doing my work too.

Jennie's pov:

I was busy writing my notes for the upcoming test,but couldn't get over the fact I feel someone's gaze on me...

I slightly turned my head to the right and yep,It was him again, Taehyung was staring at me,I quickly glued my eyes onto my notes as soon as I caught his eyes.

'Why is this guy staring at me?'

End of school

While me and Rosé were walking out the school,everyone was staring at us.
But of course a little glare will have them running...I have to admit,having people fear you is kind of fun...

I heard someone talk behind us

"Isn't that Jennie?Why is the new girl hanging out with her?"
"Don't worry,once she gets beaten up she'll learn her lesson"

I wanted to turn around and slap them..
But Rosé softly held my hand.I looked over to her

"It's okay"She said that with a light smile.
"Your hands are soft"
"Ah!You're making me blush"She said shyly covering her cheeks.

We both laughed as we finally reached the gate.

"Well then,I'll be off,See you tomorrow Jennie" She waves goodbye and I did the same.

I saw her enter the same car with Taehyung in the driver seat.

He must be a good kid to have his parents buy him that..

Rosé's room

"Rosé?" Taehyung
"So what's going on at school?Why is that group of girls bullying you?" Taehyung

It's not just them...

"I don't know.."
"So you have any friends?"
"Of course,I have Jennie"
"Jennie..."He said looking down..

What's wrong with him?

"Tell me about her"

"I just wanna know what kind of people you're hanging out with"


"Well,She's so pretty,she has long legs her eyes are big and doll-"
"I know how she looks,I wanna know her personality"

"Well,She's very sweet,Caring,she's really smart and hard working!Aah I idol her so much,Just don't get on her bad side!"
"Really?Or what?"He said smirking

What's with this guy?

"Or she'll beat you up!Just like me if you don't get your shoes off my bed!"


9:00 Sakor High

Taehyung's Pov:

As soon as we arrived at school a group of girls ran into me..They look like 11th graders.

One of the girls ran into Rosé making her fall onto the ground.I was about to help her but the girls dragged me into the school.

I looked back to Rosé and saw her.
Jennie helped Rosé stand up and picked up her bag,the last thing I saw before getting dragged to who knows where.

English class

"Seat rearranging guys"The teacher said causing everyone to groan.

"Dang,just when I thought I could finally sit next to a boy,not even 2 days dang.." Bobby said
"Well,Looks like this is out last time together brother"
"Come on,we'll see each other in lunch"

We both laughed.

The teacher then started reading everyone's seat positions.

"Jihyo next to Mina"
"Rosé next to Jaehyun"
"Bobby next to Hyori"
"Minghao next to Yugyeom"
"Chan next to bambam"
"Miyeon next to DK"
"Jennie next to Taehyung"
"Eunwoo next to Jinsoul"


Everyone then moved to their new seats and I watched Jennie walk over to our table with an expressionless space.

She doesn't seem fazed..


I smiled at her waving my hand.
Still...she didn't even smile.

She stared at me straight in the eyes before sitting down and focusing back on her notes.

Those eyes will be the death of me

"Okay now that everyone is seated,let's go back to the lesson"

"Hey Jennie" I tapped her shoulder but she ignored.

"Jennie" I tapped again.

I kept tapping her shoulder till she sat up and suddenly slammed her hands on the desk causing everyone to look at us.

She glared at me.

"Is everything going okay there you two?"Mr Jung
"Yes everything is fine"
"Okay well try be a little more quiet"

He went back to explaining.

She was still glaring at me with those dark brown eyes...

"Hey no need to get mad"
"What do you want?"She asked coldly raising one eye brow
"Damn,wake up on the wrong side this morning?"

She took a deep breath in then out before turning her head back to her book.

"I just wanted to say hi,no need to be angry"
"You already said hi"She said,her eyes still on her book.

"But you didn't say it back"

I knew I was annoying her,but I was enjoying it.She seems fun to tease.

She turned her head to me.

"Hi,You happy now?"She looked at me
"Maybe" I smiled.

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