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Jennie's pov:

Right...45mins till class...
I should just go find Ro-
My thoughts were cut off when someone grabbed my arm

I turned around

"Why do I have a feeling you're ignoring me?"
"Why would I be ignoring you?"
"I don't know,you tell me"

Because I'm afraid of falling for you..

"Why are you running away from me?Don't say you're not because it's obvious"
"Rosé is calling me"
"No she isn't,she didn't come to school today"
"She had to go somewhere"

"Okay well..."
Fuck..think of something Jennie...

"Are you mad at me?"
"Why would I be mad?"
"Jennie just tell me what's wrong"he walked closer

"Taehyung..I.." I walked back as he just walked closer,I had no excuses to say.

My back suddenly hit a wall.He put both his hands around me not allowing me to escape.I looked at him.He was staring at me deeply in my eyes.I gulped.Why do I feel intimidated by him...

Since when do I feel intimidated by anyone?I and gonna push him away when he suddenly grabbed my hand and what he did next caught me off Guard.He kisses me on the lips.

My eyes were wide open.I tried moving but he was too strong..

After a while I stopped trying...His lips were actually on mine..Sooner or later my eyes were closed too..Letring him kiss me..

"CHEATER!" Someone yelled catching us off guard.

There stood Aerin holding a phone I'm guessing she's recording us..

I quickly pushed Taehyung away.

"Aerin wait!"
"Hah!Caught you Jennie,see what happens when you mess with me?Wait till everybody sees this,wait till your 'best friend' sees this"She ran away and I was about to chase her when Taehyung stopped me.

"You have a boyfriend?"
"What!?This isn't the time let me go Taehyung!"
"Then why did she say cheater?"
"Are you fucking serious Taehyung!?This is the time you should seriously stop!Let go!"

"I can't understand you!Why won't you answer me properly!"
"You're a jerk!"
"I'm a jerk!?For what!?"
"You can't flirt with-"
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"No I dont stop asking me that!"
"Then why can't I flirt with you?Is there a problem with me having feelings!?"

I slapped him.

"Y-you're an asshole!" I said hesitantly as he suddenly looked dumbfounded when I slapped him.

He finally let go.

"Jennie...Do you really hate me that much?"

But then I laughed at my own words.Who am I calling a jerk?I let him do it...

I'm a jerk...I'm a bad friend...I looked at his face and he looked sad...I felt bad..I deserve a slap as well...We're both jerks..I can't look at him anymore...

I then just walked away.

"Jennie" I heard him say but ignored and just kept walking.

Taehyung's POV:

I felt my heart shatter to pieces when she slapped me.I confess my feelings to her and she slaps me and calls me an asshole...I thought we were friends...I thought she didn't hate me anymore...Why did she hate me anyways?

Since the first day I met her I was interested. Love at first sight they say,but when I saw her stand up to those girls not only did I find it attractive, but to know she's a good human being too makes me like her even more.

Maybe I'm just a fool who fell for a girl way too early...

Maybe that's why she hates me...

For the rest of the day I tried talking to her but she just ignored me.I saw people looking at her,at us..Like they were disgusted...She wouldn't even look at me and would disappear at lunch and free times.I wonder what Aerin was talking about.

Does she have a boyfriend?But she said she didn't...but maybe u was also wrong for kissing her without her consent...but she closed her eyes after...She was also about to respond before Aerin caught us


I was with Rosé as she helped me set things up for the party.I tried talking to Jennie at school but she ignored me,tried calling her and texting her but no response.She wanted nothing to do with me.

Not gonna lie it hurts.It hurts a lot,but I still like her...When i told her my story and she comforted me it felt more than just a crush.I've never told my story to anyone,not even Rosé..But I felt like I was able to tell Jennie..and I'm glad I did...I just wish she were here with me...

"Taehyung!!" I snapped back to reality when Rosé through me with water.
"Yah!What's wrong with you!?"
"Sorry,but why are you zoning out and just standing there doing nothing?You've been looking depressed whole day,what happened?"Rosé

"Nothing,let's just continue"
"Tell me or I'll throw you with this cake next,because I'm not helping you with this stuff just for you to be sad during  the whole party"
"I'm serious,I'm just a but tired"

"Anyways did Jennie say she's coming?I tried calling and texting her yesterday and today since I couldn't come to school but she didn't answer" Rosé
"She's ignoring you too?"
"What do you mean too?Is she ignoring you?"

"Doesn't matter"
"YAH!Don't say it doesn't matter!I'm her best friend!What if she's going through something and I'm not helping her!?"
"Why would I know!?"


I yelled back making her dumbfounded.

She suddenly slapped me.

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