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Jennie's Pov:

"OMG GUYS!Are you okay!?" Lisa and Jungkook came running towards us.
"Yeah...we are,thanks to Taehyung" I have him a light smile.He still looked a bit uncomfortable tho.I feel bad.

"What happened?Did you go into the water with your clothes on?" Lisa
"Oh..Did you guys get the drinks?We were waiting so long but you didn't come back" Jungkook

"Sorry we didn't-"
"Here,you guys take it,I watched it all,you can have these drinks for free you've gone through a lot"The shop keeper came running towards us holding the 4 bottle of sprites

"No,it's okay I'll pay" Taehyung said reaching for his pockets.

"Fuck.." Taehyung
"What?" Lisa
"It must've fallen in the ocean.." Taehyung
"Shit did you have any personal information in there?" Lisa
"No,just money,but not much,it's okay" Taehyung

This is all my fault...

"Hey,it's okay I'll pay." Lisa
"No I'm serious kids,just have them for free"The shop keeper then throw the drinks and we caught it immediately.

"Sorry guys,this is my fault"
"Jennie it's fine,really.." Taehyung said holding my hand.He was looking straight in my eyes making my heart go crazy...No..Stop...he's Rosé's boyfriend...

I lightly took my hand from his and smiled.

"Thank you again"

He smiled back "No problem"

"Yah,we wanna know what's happening too!" Lisa

No one POV:

They then enjoyed their time at the beach talking and having fun. Jennie and Jungkook got closer to the point where they could finally have a full on conversation without Jennie ignoring him or bringing up Rosé.No arguments took place.

Jennie's pov:
At home

I layed in my bed staring at the ceiling talking a bite of my bar of chocolate.

I cant stop thinking about him,his mom died trying to save him.That must've been terrifying..All I did was be mean to him instead of trying to understand...

'Treat others how you want them to treat you'

I never really liked that phrase but I see now...I wish people would stop thinking of me like a bully...So why am I judging him before getting to know him?

Suddenly I got a notification from my phone.An unknown number messaged me.

Hey Jennie

Who is this?


Taehyung?How did you get my number?

I asked Lisa

Oh okay

How come you're not asleep?

How come YOU'RE not asleep?

Because I can't stop thinking about you

Ugh there he goes again....


Stop what?

You know what you're doing is wrong

"But I was thinking of him too..." she thought.

What do you mean?

Don't play dumb!

I really don't know what you're talking about?

You shouldn't be thinking of me,you shouldn't be thinking of any other girls


I was about to reply 'think about your girlfriend ' but my phone died.

Next day

Good..My phone is fully charged.I checked to see if he texted me after that but nope,but I did see someone else text me.Rosé.

Wanna come to my place?

Sure when?


Well damn okay,is your parents okay with it?

Yes,they wanna meet you.

Suddenly I'm nervous.

Few mind later
Rosé's house

"Jennie!You're here!"Rosé answered the door and greeted me with a warm hug.
"Dang your house is big"
"Yeah..My mom and dad are lawyers,well come inside"

I then entered her house and was greeted with an older women and lady.The lady looked very identical to Rosé.

"Hi,you must be Jennie right?I'm her mom and this is her dad"Rosé's mom
"Hi,it's very nice to meet you guys" I bowed to them.

"Come let's go to my room" Rosé said before dragging me up to her room.We both then sat on her bed.

"So do you have any siblings?"
"Yeah,an older sister and two step brothers,my sister and brother already moved out,so it's just me and my one brother"Rosé

"I see..It must be nice to have siblings..I'm an only child"
"It's not nice at all!He's so annoying!You should know that by now Jennie!"Rosé
"What do you mean?"
"Nevermind,let's get to eating these snacks I bought"Rosé
"ROSIE!REMEMBER YOU HAVE TO EAT LUNCH BEFORE SNACKS!"We heard her mom yell from downstairs.

"Come Jennie,let's eat,my mom makes great food,next time when I meet your parents you can ask them to make a meal for me right"She asked giving me puppy eyes.

I laughed "of course"

We then enjoyed the rest of the time bonding,getting to know each other more and eating candy.Im so lucky to be friends with her.

Next day

As I closed my locker I almost let out a loud scream when I saw Taehyung's face right infront of me.
"Stop appearing out of nowhere!"

He laughed.

"Why didn't you answer my message?" Taehyung
"You didn't message me yesterday."
"On Saturday I replied 'huh' and you didn't answer"
"Oh sorry my phone died"

"Anyways wanna go somewhere?"
"Go where?"
"Walk around the field,class doesn't start till an hour and I wanna tell you something important"


I grabbed my bag and we set off to the field.

"So what did you wanna tell me?"
"I'm throwing a party,I want you to come"
"A party on a Wednesday?"
"Well since Thursday is a public holiday and no one's coming to school I wanted to throw a party"
"To get to know everyone better"
"Will Rosé be there?"

Of course she will she's his girlfriend dumbass.


"I'll think about it" I was about to leave when he grabbed my arm.

"What is it?"
"I...You look good with your hair down like that"
My heart skipped a beat.
NO!No no no no...Stop this madness...

"Taehyung...please stop"
"No..I won't stop" he pulled me closer,our faces were inches a part.Hell no

"TINGALINGALING oh you hear that?Class is starting, gotta go" I escaped from his hood and ran away.

Why am I feeling this way.

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