Ch. 3: Eden

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There wasn't always been animosity between the two angels. Every feud has to start somewhere, of course.

Adam recalled his time on Earth as a flesh-and-blood man. When he'd first been created, the only company he had was the angels who'd made him. They explained to him that he had been created to bring a start to a wonderful new idea: humanity. They told him that the world around him was made for him and Lilith, another human they were currently working on just for him. They were to spend their eternal days there in the garden, giving life to the next generations of humanity. Adam thought the idea was beautiful and he was more than happy to comply with the rules the angels had given him. After a while, though, he'd given birth to the first-ever feeling of loneliness. He knew another human would soon be joining him in the garden, but her creation was taking a while and there wasn't much to do but wander the garden and name the animals around him and he found himself wishing he had someone to talk to. There were the angels, but he hadn't heard from them since his first day.

One day, Adam had been looking up at a tree, lost in thought about what Lilith might be like, when a small white snake poked its head through the branches, looking down at him. Snakes were one of Adam's favorites of the animals he'd found so far and he smiled up at the little white creature. The snake looked back at him and stuck its tongue out, making Adam giggle a little bit. He loved it when they did that. The snake slithered out from its spot in the branches and twisted down the trunk of the tree. Right as it touched the grass, a man was suddenly standing in its place. The man stood shorter than Adam and was much, much more pale. He had short, yellowish hair and his eyes were a color similar to the roses Adam had seen, 'red' he'd decided to call the color.

"Lilith?" Adam asked, having absolutely no concept of man and woman yet. The being in front of him laughed and the sound was pleasant to hear.

"No, my dear, Lilith isn't quite ready yet," upon seeing the man's disappointment, he quickly added to the statement. "It should only be a couple more days, though!" Adam smiled again and the being smiled back.

"Who are you, then?" Adam asked curiously. The man suddenly rose into the air and three sets of wings sprouted from his back and a halo appeared above his head. His figure covered the sun, making him a dazzling silhouette before he rested his feet back on the ground. In this form, Adam thought he looked even more beautiful than before.

"My name is Lucifer. I'm a high seraph of heaven just like Sera, the one you spoke to." Lucifer held out a hand to Adam and Adam mirrored the action. The angel grabbed his hand and shook it up and down. It was an odd gesture to Adam, but it seemed to be some sort of greeting for the angel, so he smiled back.

"My name is Adam," he introduced, immediately cringing at himself. Obviously, the angel knew who he was. "Why are you here, Lucifer?" He asked, sitting down on the grass and patting beside him, offering for the angel to sit as well. Lucifer sat right next to the man, his hand resting atop his.

"I'm curious about you, Adam," the angel admitted. "You're all the angels can talk about up in heaven. 'Man: The fun new pet project Sera's building.' But you're more than that, aren't you?" Lucifer leaned in, looking at the man carefully before seeming to reach a conclusion. "You have thoughts and feelings, and even more, you have the capacity for free will, like an angel. You're not just an art project, you have a soul." Adam felt warmth flood over his body, especially to his cheeks, as he listened to the words. Lucifer seemed wistful and it filled Adam with hope. "We angels aren't supposed to interfere with you, but I wanted to talk to you. You're special, Adam."

The two sat under the tree for hours, talking and enjoying each other's company. This was the first time he'd gotten to have a conversation and it felt good to share his life with the angel. Lucifer was equally as happy to have someone to be himself around, and he'd even told him so.

"What are you most excited about in the future?" Lucifer had asked him at one point. Adam thought for a moment, his first instinct being to say that he was excited for Lilith's arrival. When he opened his mouth, though, her name died on his lips.

"I'm excited to see what humanity can do once it grows," he found himself saying, surprising himself. He paused, thinking on his answer for a moment before continuing. "I mean, if what you say is true about what humans are capable of, I can't wait to see what the next generation does with this world." He turned his gaze away from the sky to meet Lucifer's eyes.

"You know, you can do things too," he said softly. "A soul can accomplish great things when they take charge of their own fate."

"Yeah, I guess so, but I need to stay here with Lilith and get humanity started. That's my part to play in everything and I think it's a pretty cool one." Lucifer nodded understandingly and changed the subject.

For the next few days, Lucifer came down to the garden to talk with Adam. The two would stroll through the trees, talking and laughing the whole time. When Lilith was finally finished and introduced to Adam, he was instantly taken with her. It made sense that he would fall head over heels for her; she was specifically crafted just for him. While he loved spending time with Lilith, Adam often found himself missing his new angelic friend.

Lucifer had told him that he wouldn't be able to visit as much after Lilith was created due to the extra eyes that would be on the humans. Weeks and eventually months passed and Adam hadn't seen him. He enjoyed his time with his new wife, though, even if she had very different ideas and opinions from his own. Lilith seemed to resent the angels for creating her, often whining about their rules and how controlling she found them. Adam always tried to get her to see things how he did, but this only pushed her away. In a desperate attempt to bring the two closer, Adam had tried being more forceful, hoping she'd eventually come to see his side of things, but that still didn't work. He wished he had his friend to talk to about all of it, maybe even ask him for advice, but Lucifer was still nowhere to be found.

A year had passed before Adam finally caught a glimpse of a small white snake curled around a tree trunk. He recognized the tree to be the one he'd first met Lucifer under, and he smiled at the familiar reptile. Lucifer appeared with a wide grin on his face, seemingly just as happy to be reunited with the man. He stretched his arms out for a hug but stopped as his eyes landed on the shape nestled in Adam's arm. He smiled warmly at the baby, cooing at him and tickling him before turning his attention back to the man.

"Now, who is this little bundle of joy," Lucifer inquired despite probably having already heard his name from the other angels. Adam felt warmth creep to his cheeks at the gesture and indulged, gushing about his son.

"This is Able and he's going to be the future of all of mankind," Adam tickled at the baby's chubby cheek and the baby laughed cheerfully in response. The two sat under the tree and talked for a while before being interrupted by a feminine voice.

"Adam, who is this?" He looked up to see his wife standing there, looking skeptically at Lucifer. Adam didn't notice her expression, though, as he was washed with excitement to introduce the two people he loved to each other.

"Lilith, this is Lucifer! He's a high seraph angel like the ones who made us," he explained as he stood and handed his son to the woman when she motioned for him to. She held Able close to her chest, rocking him, as she studied the angel. Adam didn't know this at the time, but this would be the start of a long, long, long chain of events that would change the course of humanity forever. 

A/N: This chapter has been updated! Only the tiniest of changes were made since it's so short

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