2. Missy Bradford, Fuck Off

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Outfit of the Day

Imani laughed as she had spray painted "Wannabe" on Maya's locker before hiding the evidence and walked into class and immediately glared as Missy Bradford was sitting on her desk to flirt with Lucas

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Imani laughed as she had spray painted "Wannabe" on Maya's locker before hiding the evidence and walked into class and immediately glared as Missy Bradford was sitting on her desk to flirt with Lucas. She learned his name after realizing she had him in her gym class, he was a great athlete in her opinion. Her hands clenched "Can you get your flat ass off my desk with your horrendous flirting" Imani growled as she hated "popular" girls who thought they ran everything. Missy only looked at Imani before she continued her efforts in swooning Lucas, who seemed uncomfortable with the ordeal. "I only ask one time" Imani said as she pushed Missy off of her desk hard just as the bell rang signaling the start of class, Lucas and Farkle looked at her in shock as she shrugged and sat in her desk, "I told her to get off my desk." Cory walked into the classroom and saw Missy on the floor and looked to the class "What happened?" he asked and the class shrugged as nobody didn't really like Missy so they didn't say what happened. Maya and Riley walked into class and was surprised at the scene before they took their seats, it didn't take Maya long to turn in Imani's direction "I know what you did" she said to her and Imani only flicked her off again before looking at Cory, who was starting his lesson plan.

Imani leaned forward as Cory talked about the Pearl Harbor, "Sneak attack. December 7th, 1941"  as Farkle piped in "A date which will live in infamy" and that made her perk up slightly, Farkle was a history nerd? She felt stupid for not knowing, but who cares as she heard Riley say "A date? They're going on a date? In Italy?" making Imani roll her eyes "What in the delusion" she muttered as soon enough, she watched Riley asked to be excused from class and left. "It was another sunny day in paradise, before the sneak attack that changed everything" Cory told the class and from the corner of Imani's eye, she saw Riley spying on Lucas and Missy as Missy even after getting shoved off a desk was still poorly flirting with him "Missy shut up nobody likes you" she groaned but her complaint fell on deaf ears as the flirting continued until Missy booped Lucas nose. Riley seeing the school burst back into the classroom and decided to try and one up Missy, "can do boop like you've never seen. Boop!" she said as she turned to Lucas to tap his nose, but accidentally stuck her finger in his nose. "Does anybody see this?" she asked embarrassed as Maya looked at her in shock "Everybody sees this. Take your finger out!" she told her and Riley seemed frozen.

"Can't. Can't move. Scared. Do you think Lucas knows?" she asked with a scared expression on her face as Maya shook her head in disbelief, "Riley, I've never seen anything like this before, I don't know what's gonna happen" she told her as she wasn't sure what to do. Imani laughed at the whole situation as she wasn't sure how it could get any better than this as Riley looked to Farkle for help "Farkle?" Farkle looked at the scene and laughed as he looked at her "Boy, Riley. I don't think I could do that even if I tried" he told her as he stood up and looked at Imani, who was watching him interested in what his next move was, "Hey, Imani, boop. Oh no" Farkle said as he had attempted to boop her but he ended up with Imani holding his finger with a death glare. "The bombing of Pearl Harbor was our official entrance into a world at war, and nothing would ever be the same" Cory said ending his lesson for the day.

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