Chapter 9

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"Why do you look like a zombie?" Aisha entered the kitchen with a frown.

"I did not sleep the whole night." Divya scowled.

Aisha poured herself a cup of coffee and leaned against the kitchen counter, studying Divya with concern. "Maybe it's just pre-first-day jitters. It happens to the best of us. You've been through this before, you know the drill."

Divya nodded, her expression still troubled. "I guess so. But this time feels different, Aisha. It's like there's this weight on my chest that won't lift."

"Is it because of the new position? I know it's a step up from your previous role," Aisha asked gently, handing Divya a mug of coffee.

Divya accepted the coffee with a grateful smile, taking a sip before replying. "Partly, yeah. I mean, it's exciting to have more responsibility, but at the same time, it's daunting. What if I'm not up for it? What if I let everyone down?"

Aisha reached out and squeezed Divya's hand reassuringly. "Hey, listen to me. You are more than capable. You've worked hard for this opportunity, and you deserve it. Your seniors would not have chosen you for the position had you not been deserving. So, chill."

Aisha's words seemed to seep into Divya's thoughts, warming her like the coffee in her hands. "You're right," Divya admitted, a tentative smile beginning to form. "It's just... overwhelming, you know?"

"Yeah, I can get what you are thinking." Aisha nodded her head.

"So, tell me, how are your days in SoftTech going? It has just been three days and you already seem to be busy." Divya asked her.

"Don't remind me." Aisha huffed. "My team leader is a cruel woman. It looks like she despises me."

"Ah, finally a villainous person in your life. Such a main character energy." Divya teased her.

"Shut up" Aisha rolled her eyes. "Aren't you getting late for the office?"

Divya glanced at the wall clock and gasped. "Oh no, I am! Thanks for the reminder." She quickly set down her coffee mug and rushed to gather her things.

Aisha chuckled, watching her friend's frantic movements. "Remember, deep breaths and confidence. You'll do great," she called out after Divya, who was now halfway out the door.

"I hope so!" Divya called back, before disappearing from view.

Divya stood outside the towering glass building of Rathore Luxury Fashion, her heart pounding in her chest. Today marked her return to the company, not as an intern but as a junior fashion designer. More importantly, she would be working directly under the CEO, Abhiraj Singh Rathore. Abhiraj was appointed as the CEO around a month after her departure from the company. She had heard that he was following the footsteps of his brother. The news article had talked about how he was turning cold and strict like Atharva.

Taking a deep breath, Divya stepped into the lobby, her heels clicking confidently against the marble floor. She was greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of the bustling headquarters, but today, they seemed more intense, more real.

Divya made her way through the lobby, her nerves tightening with each step. She couldn't shake off the feeling of being under scrutiny, as if every pair of eyes in the building were trained on her. She reached the elevator and pressed the button for the third last floor, where the executive offices were located.

As the elevator ascended, Divya took a moment to compose herself. She reminded herself of Aisha's words: "deep breaths and confidence." She had worked hard to earn this position, and she wasn't going to let self-doubt hold her back.

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