Chapter 11: Taylor's Apology

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After an emotionally draining heart-to-heart with Selena and Blake, Taylor found herself standing at Ava's doorstep, her heart pounding so hard she could hear it in her ears. She took a deep, shaky breath and knocked, steeling herself for the confrontation she knew was coming.

The door flew open, revealing a furious Ava. Her eyes were red-rimmed and puffy, as if she'd been crying, but her jaw was set in a hard line of anger. "Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to show up."

Taylor flinched at the venom in Ava's tone. "Ava, I... I'm so sorry. I know I messed up."

"Messed up?" Ava laughed, a harsh, brittle sound. "Taylor, you didn't just mess up. You completely ghosted me. For a whole fucking week. After everything we've been through together, after all the times I've been there for you... you just cut me off without a word."

Taylor felt tears prickling at the corners of her eyes, shame and guilt twisting in her gut. "I know, Ava. I know. And I'm so, so sorry. I never meant to hurt you."

"But you did hurt me!" Ava exploded, her voice cracking. "Do you have any idea how worried I was? How many scenarios I played out in my head, wondering if you were okay, if I had done something wrong? Did you even hear me knocking at your door for hours?!?! I thought we had something special. I thought I meant something to you."

"You do!" Taylor cried, desperation clawing at her throat. "God, Ava, you mean everything to me. That's why I-"

"That's why you what?" Ava cut her off, eyes flashing. "Why you decided to just drop off the face of the earth? Why you couldn't be bothered to send a single fucking text to let me know you were alive? Please, enlighten me, because I'm really struggling to understand your logic here."

Taylor shook her head, tears now falling freely down her cheeks. "There's no logic. I was scared, and confused, and I handled it in the worst possible way. But Ava, please, you have to believe me... it was never about you. It was about me, and my own shit, and-"

"Save it, Taylor," Ava snapped, moving to close the door. "Message received, loud and-."

In a burst of panicked desperation, Taylor surged forward, catching the door before it could slam in her face. Ava's words were cut off as she came face to face with Taylor, smirking. Their lips crashed together, an attempt to drown out everything else that was unsaid.

Ava melted into the kiss, her hands coming up to fist in Taylor's hair, pulling her closer.

It was messy and desperate, tinged with the salt of their mingled tears. But it was also electric, charged with all the pent-up emotion and longing of the past week.

When they finally broke apart, both panting for air, Taylor rested her forehead against Ava's. "I broke up with Joe," she whispered, the confession hanging heavy between them.

Ava's eyes flew open, shock and something like hope warring in their depths. "What? When?"

"A week ago," Taylor admitted, shame coloring her cheeks. "That's why I disappeared. I was trying to process it, trying to figure out what it meant for... for us."

Ava's expression softened slightly, but the hurt and anger hadn't fully dissipated. "And what did you figure out?"

Taylor took a deep, steadying breath. "That my feelings for you... they're real, Ava. They're the most real thing I've felt in a long time. And that terrifies me. But it also exhilarates me. Because I know, with every fiber of my being, that you're worth the risk."

For a long, agonizing moment, Ava just stared at her, a myriad of emotions playing across her face. Then, slowly, she reached out, brushing a stray tear from Taylor's cheek.

"I'm still mad at you," she said softly, but there was a hint of a smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "And we have a lot to talk about. But... I feel it too. This thing between us... it's real. And it's powerful. And I'm not going to let you run from it again. Deal?"

Taylor let out a watery laugh, relief and gratitude and pure, unbridled affection welling up inside her. "Deal," she agreed, leaning in to capture Ava's lips in another kiss, this one softer, sweeter, full of promise.

There was still a long road ahead, Taylor knew. A lot of trust to rebuild, a lot of fears and insecurities to work through.

But standing there on Ava's doorstep, wrapped in the warmth of her arms and the glow of her forgiveness, Taylor knew they would make it through.

Because this, right here? This was worth fighting for. And Taylor was done running from the things that mattered most.

Ava stepped back from the doorway, her hand finding Taylor's and giving it a gentle tug. "Come inside," she said softly, the invitation hanging in the air between them.

Taylor hesitated for just a moment, the weight of everything that had happened, everything that was still unspoken, making her falter. But the warmth in Ava's eyes, the gentle promise in her touch, was enough to propel her forward.

She followed Ava into the apartment, the door clicking shut softly behind them. The space was familiar - the cozy living room where they'd spent countless hours writing and laughing and dreaming up melodies. But now, in the aftermath of their charged reunion, it felt different. Electric. Full of possibility.

Ava led them to the couch, sitting down and patting the space beside her. Taylor sank down, acutely aware of every point where their bodies touched - knee to knee, shoulder to shoulder.

For a moment, they just sat there, the silence stretching between them. It wasn't uncomfortable, but it was heavy with the weight of all that needed to be said.

Finally, Ava spoke. "I meant what I said, Tay. I'm still hurt, and angry, and we have a lot to work through. And if this wasn't the case, I would've been fucking you right now. But I also meant it when I said that what we have... it's real. And I'm willing to fight for it, if you are."

Taylor's heart swelled, a lump forming in her throat. "I am," she whispered, her voice rough with emotion. "God, Ava, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I just... I got so lost in my own head, in my own fear. But I never once stopped caring about you. Never once stopped wanting this, wanting us."

Ava nodded, her thumb rubbing soothing circles on the back of Taylor's hand. "I know. And I understand. Breaking up with Joe, confronting your feelings... that's huge. It's overwhelming. I get why you needed space."

She took a deep breath, her gaze turning serious. "But next time, you have to talk to me. You have to let me in, even when it's scary. Because I can't do this if you're going to shut me out every time things get tough."

"I won't," Taylor promised, tears once again prickling at her eyes. "I swear, Ava. I'm all in this. I'm all in us. No more running, no more hiding. From now on, we face everything together."

A slow, beautiful smile spread across Ava's face, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "Together," she echoed, leaning in to rest her forehead against Taylor's. "I like the sound of that."

Taylor closed the remaining distance, capturing Ava's lips in a kiss that felt like a vow, a covenant. It was tender and sweet, full of apology and forgiveness and the tentative beginnings of something new, something precious.

When they parted, Ava tucked a strand of hair behind Taylor's ear, her touch lingering on her cheek. "Stay tonight?" she asked softly, a hint of vulnerability in her voice. "Just to sleep. I just... I don't want to be apart from you right now."

Taylor's heart melted, a wave of affection and gratitude crashing over her. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be," she murmured, leaning into Ava's touch.

And as Ava stood, pulling Taylor up with her and towards the bedroom, Taylor felt a sense of rightness settle deep in her bones. This was where she was meant to be. Who she was meant to be with.

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